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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Private Pack Industrial Thunder | Survival 1.5.2 | Whitelist | Protection | Rollback | Dynmap

    Brodi sorry for not being active here recent activities has taken away my time to play here
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    Whitelist Server [Direwolf20 Server][Whitelisted]

    Minecraft Name:Yvesmiguel Experience: i know how to do mods alot so there is only a few things ill be scratching my head on Ban History:None
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    The Future of FTB Modpacks.

    GregoriusT and mDiyo are having problems
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    Whitelist Server Merica | FTB Beta 1.5.2 Gregtech | Whitelisted | Mature | No Greifing | PVP

    IGN:Yvesmiguel Age:11 Location:Australia How much do you know about FTB Beta mods:A lot Why do you want to join us: i love the community! Do you have a mic: sorry to say no Are you interested on livestreaming:my computer doesnt have what it takes
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    Private Pack Industrial Thunder | Survival 1.5.2 | Whitelist | Protection | Rollback | Dynmap

    The pack has a bug i doesnt play sounds for me
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    Private Pack Industrial Thunder | Survival 1.5.2 | Whitelist | Protection | Rollback | Dynmap

    Minecraft name: Yvesmiguel Do you agree to follow the rules:Yes How many hours a week do you play?: 60 or less Extra info: Applied Energistics is my friend and automation is my best skill