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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    Okay, I will post it there. mmh thats sad...
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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    I am not sure if this problem occured before, I searched for it, but found nothing. I am playing the Beyond Reality pack. This is my start script: #!/bin/bash java -Xmx2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar ftbserverT.jar --serverJar=ftbserver.jar nogui ftbserverT.jar is the newest TT jar. ftbserver.jar...
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    How to produce massive RF?

    I will have a look at those Reactors. Never used them before and atm they are not even in my pack. For the frame I will use the MFFS (didnt even knew this was possible). Compact windmills is another good idea. Iron wont be a problem, I have 300k in stock atm^^
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    Since you have to pay more for a Win OS, I'd go with ubuntu. Its really easy to setup them and if you never experienced working with the commandline, you will learn fast with our friend google.
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    How to produce massive RF?

    Oh you're right. I am in 1.6.4 .. Is there not any alternative to Redpower 2? --> I am using RiM, so it should work?
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    How to produce massive RF?

    I'd like to build the Mining Well Frame Machine with 64 MW... :D
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    How to produce massive RF?

    Hey there, I searched over forums and youtube for a while now, but I didnt find a good way to produce very much RF. Atm I supply 2 36HP (2x 1440 RF) with this: I need one more farm to have a charcoal overflow. (I dont use the saplings yet, no idea how much biofuel it will produce?) Anyways...
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    AE Auto crafter + Ore dictionary

    Maybe this thread will help you a little bit: It's pretty much the same question. For myself, I only create patterns manually since I can control what material I want to use (to let something else for other...
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    Can't level in dart craft

    correct! Try using everything at least once.
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    Problems with the Shroom Multifarm?

    Hey there, I searched for a solution to this problem all over YT and google but nobody did use the Shroom multifarm setup. Here a screenshots of my setup: I've waited for over an hour now, but there isnt growing anything. The initial 35 mushrooms are planted, but thats all. Any ideas oder...
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    Snap and Box 1.6.4

    thank you. I will look into it :P
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    Snap and Box 1.6.4

    hey, am I right to say that this is not possible anymore since TE3 changed tesseracts to only accept redstone flux anymore and the mining well only accepts MJ...
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    Automating the Shard of minium production in 1.6.4

    we use the overload packacke of the overload package.ok sry. im drunken.
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    Automating the Shard of minium production in 1.6.4

    hey, do you guys know any possible method of automating this? Since turtlekills dont give any of them shards, we have to find a possibility. I cant find a Deployer in 1.6.4. Was this only part of red power 2? I wanted to use it with a rail gun. Any ideas? :) -iMontouch
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    GregTech's Machines exploding due package overload?!

    okay. Now it all makes sense! Thank you! :)
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    GregTech's Machines exploding due package overload?!

    okay that makes sense now. (we were unable to find any documentation for that) so, why is this working then? :/ 3 LV-Transformers feeding several E-Furnaces (IC², not the gregtech versions which exploded in the same setup)
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    GregTech's Machines exploding due package overload?!

    you sure about that? We assumed that another transformer just adds another package to the cable. Like that: 1 Transformer sends 8 packages of 128 EU and the other sends additional 8 packages. So we could use Runo's solution, but it should also work with just one MV-T with enough intake to give...
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    GregTech's Machines exploding due package overload?!

    Yes, there are more, but less then 16 machines with a need of 128. Maybe 8? Just to be sure that I got this right: 1 MFSU, 1 packet of 2048 EU --> HV-Transformer, 4 packets of 512 EU --> MV-Transformer, 16 packets of 128 EU (minus the cableloss) You mean to get a CESU for every of gregs...
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    GregTech's Machines exploding due package overload?!

    hey there! we have some problems with the OverLoad Package but we are sure, that they are not directly bound to only this package. Or maybe they are? We get our energy from some solar panels which are connected to a MFSU. The 2048 EU/t of this unit are being put into an HV-Transformer (using...
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    Idea/Searching for a mod

    ya you're right^^ We found this: And we think its the best for our purposes :)