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  1. N

    FTB Infinity 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

    I meant using the travel anchor to access the Ender IO properly. Has anyone gotten their Ender IOs to work? EDIT: Derped. The room I had the EnderIO in was too small. The camera was behind the wall and it kept on registering my clicks on the wall rather than on the machines. Time to rebuild...
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    FTB Infinity 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

    Everytime I try to make superflat test world, my client crashes. So I've been trying to get a Ender IO to work. I can see everything but not interact. I've been using the Travel Anchors because I can't make Ender Crystals at the moment. Do I need an actual Staff of Traveling instead of an Travel...
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    Direwolf20 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

    Sorry if this has already been addressed but does anyone else get a meteor page from every single villager notebook? The Mystcraft page distribution feels off.
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    What is the total EU/t or MJ/t of your system?

    100 Magmatic engines feeding into 4 energy cells. Those cells connect to a tesseract. That's 400MJ/t. I like to think of myself as a combination of a industrial giant and a dictator. I call myself the Helios Corporation. Since I'm the embodiment of fire, lava, and the sun, I'm working on a...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Does fortune work on Quartz(AE), Uranium and Xycraft stuff? If not, is that intentional?
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    Mystcraft is probably the easiest way. Craft a book at Point A, Point B and 2 in the nether(or whatever hub). drop a nether book on a stand at A and B and leave the books for A and B at the Nether. Don't forget the stands. Books die. What I'm confused about is "as vanilla as possible"?
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    FTB Pack Names

    I think Tech World and Magic World's lack of popularity is due to people wanting the best of both worlds, not the name. I'm a large MagiTech fan and I feel like Minecraft is a MagiTech world. Vanilla redstone is pretty much magic used as technology. When I run servers for my friends I go for...
  8. N

    What is the most evil thing you ever done on FTB?

    I swapped mystcraft linking books with my own. Ones that led to a tripled charged scorched world.
  9. N

    My personal issue with IC2 and similar mods

    One of my worlds, I built a cabin near the spawn that led to a mystcraft world named Tutorial Island. It briefly explains the "getting started" process for each mod and what the mod does. Most of my friends still start out with Thermal Expansion or go for Applied Energistics' for doubling ores...
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    My personal issue with IC2 and similar mods

    My issue is in multiplayer, my friends prefer to share a base. Jolly cooperation and all that. None of us want to be that one guy who blows up the whole base. We make tons of mistakes. Hooking up a energy cell to itself and short circuiting it was one of them. We lost about 10,000MJ before we...
  11. N

    My personal issue with IC2 and similar mods

    Some mods don't have the right mindset. I love IC2, don't get me wrong. It was the 4th mod I ever used and the last 3 were just bookcases and armor stands. Punishing players for experimentation is not the right mindset for a minecraft mod. Buildcraft is guilty of this too but IC2 is the larger...
  12. N

    Why Does Everyone Care So Much About Expense

    After a while, I had to build 12 quarries and wreck the landscape(in a mystcraft world of course). In the end, it wasn't the cost that bugged me. I just never resorted to using quarries like that before. Everything felt "small scale" before when I was simply managing a stack or two of iron. My...