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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. S

    Whitelist Server 40HoursAday (18+)|Direwolf20 1.7.10 ver 1.0.3| PVP/PVE | TeamSpeak| 24/7

    IGN: Senkaru (usually go by Shu, or Shumu) Age: 21 Why would you like to join?: Looking for a fun place to play FTB with a decent community of mature people who don't mind playing casually and do their own thing while still socializing and coming together at the same time. What do you feel you...
  2. S

    Whitelist Server Looking for online friends to play MC with? Come here! (DW20 1.7.10 1.0.3)

    [1]-Senkaru (god I hope they impliment name changes soon) [2]-Shu. I usually just go by Shu or Shumu or something similar. [3]-21 [4]-Probably Thaumcraft. It's hard to pic any single mod exclusively, but I really like a lot of the mechanics in it, and what's more I like the way a lot of the...
  3. S

    DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

    Ingame Name: Senkaru Age: 19 Experience with Mods: I have a kind of basic understanding of most of the mods in the FTB pack, but there's a lot I'm not 100% on and am really enjoying learning. I played on a server prior to this one, however things aren't exactly satisfactory there. Hence, I am...
  4. S

    Food For Tools|1.4.2|White List|New Server

    IGN: Senkaru Age: 19 Why you want to join: Looking for a place to play with my significant other whereupon we will not be intruded, and can possibly partake in a polite community. She'll be applying right after I do. Anything else: I typically go by what I have as my FTB username, as opposed to...