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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    You may want to divert your issue to the buildcraft/forestry/railcraft devs, KL isn't part of that particular nerf as far as i know.
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    Maybe add a config option for the movement? I like to see animations on engines and such.
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    "Cough", Resonant Rise, "Cough"
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    Shoop Resonant Rise [Ended 7/21/13]

    Building that at the bottom of the underwater part of a large crag biome would be amazing, those pits go down to nearly bedrock.
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    124-128 solar panels in a circular formation around the engine to be exact, reaching somewhere between 24-26 MJ/t depending on the exact setup, as far as i know you can't realistically reach that 32 MJ/t due to the way Blutricity works.
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    ExtraBiomesXL vs. Biomes O Plenty vs. ? (for 1.6x+)

    If anyone is interested i have a BoP seed that includes a Mystic Grove bordering a Ominous Forest at (-243, +206), along with an underwater Crag nearby at (-271, +469), that thing goes down to level 7 at some points, would be a perfect place for an underwater base. Also nearby the Grove/Forest...
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    Defense without MFFS

    Thaumcraft warded blocks?
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    How do you light your base?

    Turtle's connected to a redstone network would allow this, make them react to signals and break/replace the light blocks when appropriate.
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    Autarchic gate > Pulverizer input overflow

    Insertion pipe? Edit: Thanks tedyhere
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    so the new 152 packs... I took RP2 for granted.

    Yeah...Redpower 2 does things better than a lot of other mods...the one thing i wish would be replaced however is frames. That other frame mod is above and beyond what Redpower does.
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    How to get out of a different dimension?

    I don't think your able to build nether portals in mystcraft worlds.
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    AE & Iron Tanks/Xycraft Tanks

    Or you could just, you know, magically turn aluminum into tin by smelting the cans.....
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    Redpower + Gregtech?

    Yes, Mr. Shoop, yes i do.
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    Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

    And the problem with that is.....?
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    Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

    You do know just how long it takes most people to get to that point.....right.
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    New Mod Packs ***Released***

    There has been a reset needed since 1.4.7 due to a variety of mods such as XyCraft. He's completely rewritten almost all of his blocks apparently.
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    Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

    Two words. Wrath Igniter
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    The future of FTB Modpacks pt 2

    I'd honestly miss the jetpack =/ Although i will admit that not having it does add something to the game, it makes many things very easy.