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  1. D

    Elec's FTB Server - No Whitelist - All Mods Enabled

    _____________________________________________________________ Here at Elec's FTB, we provide no block lag, extra commands, and extra functionality. All mods are enabled, however if you abuse MystCraft and overflow with worlds, you will be in a heap of trouble. The server is NON...
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    [NOT SERVER] Magic World?

    Did not know where to post this. I had no permission to post in the other section. I've just looked on the Launcher, and I've noticed that Magic World has gone, whaa?
  3. D | Premium FTB Server

    IGN: Devul Where you heard about the server: The FTB Forums. Why you would like to play on the server: I play a lot of FTB and it would be excellent to play on a very liked server If you have any bans on record: Yes, but I don't know why. What can you bring to the community: I like helping...
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    DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

    Ingame Name: Devul Age: 17 Experience with Mods: I'm experienced on most of the mods included in FTB. There are a few things I do not quite understand though, e.g - The new IC2 stuff. favorite mod and why?: My favorite mod to be quite honest is Industrial Craft, I've been playing Industrial...
  5. D

    ShiftedPlay FTB [FTB Pack A, 1.4.2] [White List] [Survival]

    IGN: Devul 16+ Age?:Y, 17 Agree to the rules?:Y