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  1. J

    FTb "Not Responding"

    I forced an update on the launcher and now it seems to work. I have no idea why, but now I feel like an idiot. Thankyou for the help anyway guys.
  2. J

    FTb "Not Responding"

    Ok, turns out my regualr minecraft is also having the same problem. It doesn't respond either when I open it.
  3. J

    FTb "Not Responding"

    Anyone on here?
  4. J

    FTb "Not Responding"

    Title pretty much sums it up. Everytime open the ftb launcher, choose the pack I want to play and click Launch, the console opens fine, but the actual game just stays on a white screen and says Not Responding at the top of the window. Any help would be great. Here...
  5. J

    FTB Not working at all. Ok, did everything in the guide there. There is the link to the logs from the conosle thing when I start up the ftb launcher. I noticed that when I opened up the ftb launcher and started the Ultimate map pack I got the game to come up, but it was just a white...
  6. J

    FTB Not working at all.

    What exactly is CreeperHost? And also, with the re-downloading part. I have had trouble with ftb in the past and am not exactly sure how to uninstall it first before redownloading.
  7. J

    FTB Not working at all.

    Using windows 7 and currently have the latest version of Java installed.
  8. J

    FTB Not working at all.

    Whenever I start up my ftb launcher, select the pack I want to play (I am currently using the Ultimate pack, but that doesn't matter because I have the same problem with all of them.) all it does it brings up the Console window thing with the text and the actual game never shows up. I have tried...