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  1. W

    End of stream errors, need help diagnosing

    I have perfect connection i have connected to the server from several different computers in my home through the same router and it doesn't do it on them it only happens on my gaming machine I get a end socket error which has nothing to do with the server its something wrong on my side.I know...
  2. W

    FTB Disconnects/End of Stream error. HELP!

    no it only happens to me there are 38 other players on the server in which I all know personally and none of them have problems connecting its a Socket end error through java which would be router issues I do believe I'm not quiet sure yet. from what I understand it is a router issue a port may...
  3. W

    End of stream errors, need help diagnosing

    it only happens to me no one else on the server has this issue I get a socket end error so somethings wrong on my side.
  4. W

    FTB Disconnects/End of Stream error. HELP!

    same thing happens to me and I get the same error still no idea how to fix it I even format'd my entire computer and switched from windows 7 to linux and still the same exact thing happens actually the very same thing you just described I just put in a support ticket if I get any info onto how...
  5. W

    Extreme Disconnection issue

    I have been playing on a friends FTB server for about a month now and all was good up until about 3 days ago it started out with alot of rubberbanding then I would be able to log in and I would disconnect instantly but it would allow me to roam freely and I could see all animations happening...
  6. W

    End of stream errors, need help diagnosing

    I am currently have the same issue Bobers314 described I have been playing on a friends FTB ultimate server for about a month or so now and just recently it started to mess up at first it was just bad Fps then some rubberbanding now every time I log in it will let me log in I can see what is...