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  1. P

    Replacing timers with computers

    and obviously you can add something like if rs. getInput(side) ~= true then code end this means you can control it with a lever
  2. P

    Replacing timers with computers

    just do while true do rs. setOutput("side", true) sleep(time) rs.setOutput(side, false) end
  3. P

    Bugs With Redpower Control

    OK should of done more research, reddit has informed me that the patch mentioned in a previous post will also fix my problem
  4. P

    Bugs With Redpower Control

    So recently I automated my whole base using computercraft computers and was very happy with it, I found the whole experience learning Lua and implementing it rather enjoyable. But after I stood back and looked at my base in all it's automated glory I thought there's no challenge anymore Lua is...