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  1. TheMrHetch

    Minecraft launcher doesn's start on Linux

    I fixed by uncommenting en_US.utf8 int the locale.gen
  2. TheMrHetch

    Minecraft launcher doesn's start on Linux

    I'm Runnin a Arch Linux system and can't seem to have the FTB Oceanblock to run, the FTB app runs fine but the minecraft launcher from the modpack never does. Logs from the FTB [19:37:22.209] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.creeperhost.creeperlauncher.CreeperLauncher:main:78]...
  3. TheMrHetch

    Problem FTB Oceanblock RFTOOLS Charger Porter crashes the game

    I'm playing the FTB Oceanblock 1.11.0 on a server i'm hosting and i encountered this problem: Everytime i sneak + right click on a Matter Receiver with the charger porter (basic and advanced) the game crashes. Funny thing is, only my client game is crashing, the server still continues to run...