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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Ergh, I suppose we should use some 'green' energy
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Chatting and Gardening how exciting!
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    More bee stuff, working on our automation!
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Back to the bees and then back to tanks, and then back to bees!
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Back to the bees and this time we build something to help us stay poisoned for as long as we like, yay!
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Episode 50! Here for the long term, yeah baby.
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Fast approaching episode 50! No episode this Friday in preparation
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Getting my grind on
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Moving right along in search of good times and blast furnace
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    More videos! More excitement! More oh my god what do I do now!
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    I need a minion to keep this thread updated for me, this is proving super troublesome. Bonus Video: Timelapse of building the ILM HQ tower:
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Right, so now that we've established our selves MJ wise, it's time to put that power to use and strip the natural world of all it's minerals, and where better than that hell hole of a Twilight Forest!
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Mondays video didn't process so it became Tuesdays, I've been stupid busy recently so forgot to update the thread so there will be another update later today when the video for Wednesday hits it's scheduled release, fun times all round!
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    So tried doing an hour long episode for Sunday, I'm not convinced myself but it did allow me more time to simply do things, so let me know if it's a good or bad idea.
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    Just a short video this time around, too much work on and I'm a terrible procrastinator (see no splash screens and 150 million projects going on at once in my world)
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    If YOU had only one mod to take out of Ultimate, forever, what would it be?

    I don't think I'd remove any mod really, though I agree with the earlier sentiment that GregTech shouldn't be on hardmode by default, that should be an option when starting the pack.
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    Would you look crazy to a stream?

    I'm constantly running from chest to build location to chest to goddamn what the hell is that thing I'm looking at, wait how do I build this again? Check the recipe, oh right, I'm at the wrong machine yet again, whoops, damn. Oh .... creepered : ( Yeah, watching a stream of me would be nuts...
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    Favorite Biome?

    I'm loving the redstone mesas, think they just look awesome.
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    Tic Feeds the Beast - FTB Ultimate 1.01

    I feel kinda bad bumping my own thread, but if I'm not gonna do it then who would?! Newest episode is up, flying around like Iron Man holidaying in Enderverse Skyrim.