Search results

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server NYAN-Craft [Mindcrack 8.2.0][Whitelisted][Mature 16+][20tps][Skype][NA Host][Mystcraft][Hard]

    IGN: omnissiah19 Age: 23 Where are you from: amercuh{united states} How long have you played Modded Minecraft: 2 years Skype: Mic: yes Why do you want to join: to join a server with as little grief as possible Anything else you want to add: to hopefully build a railcraft network
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    Whitelist Server Blimey's Mindcrack FTB v8.x | Dedicated | Whitelisted | PRO | TS3 | YouTubers and Streamers welcome.

    ign: omnissiah19 Age: 23 Why do you want to join the server?: to build a railcraft network How often do you play Minecraft on a daily basis: 6 to 7 hours
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    Whitelist Server ThunderCraft|Friendly|Bukkit|Ultimate| Dedicated |Mature|Small Community|New Map

    - ign: omnissiah19 - Age : 23 - Country | Timezone : united states pacific UTC-8 Pacific Time Zone - Do you understand and accept the rules : yes - What are your plans on the server : to build a large underground railcraft network - Will you use Teamspeak : yes
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    Whitelist Server Terra Incognita|Mindcrack v8.2|24/7|Small, Mature Community

    In-Game Name: omnissiah19 Age: 23 Country and Timezone (from GMT): united states and pacific time Have you ever been banned?: no If you have been banned before, please explain why: n/a What is your experience level with FTB?: most of the stuff is in tekkit so fairly experienced What's your...
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    Whitelist Server Crazycraft [Mindcrack(newest) [Fresh] [20slots] [PvE] [Hard] [Whitelist] Read rules before applying

    IGN: omnissiah19 RLN: victor Age: 23 FTB experience: just started with ftb but i have extensive use in tekkit before this Info: hello id like to join because i want to play with a core group of people and im really good with railcraft
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    Whitelist Server l Mindcrack v8.2 l Whitelist l Essentials l Grief Prevention l HawkEye l 32 slot

    Forum name: omnissiah19 In-Game Name: omnissiah19 Age: 23 Country: united states Have you played FTB before: no Have you ever been banned: no If so; why: n/a What can you bring to Trince: really good at railcraft