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  1. E

    Whitelist Server Ichoriya - whitelist - no restrictions - mature (18+)

    Beacause i copied and pasted forums and fogot to change age it should be 18 . sorry for any confusion
  2. E

    Whitelist Server Fuse The Beast [FTB Mindcrack v8] [25 slots] [PvE] [Nothing disabled] [18+ Mature] Fresh server!

    IGN: highflyer88 Age: 18 Do you understand and accept the rules?: Yes definately Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast : i am looking for a mature , safe and freindly server where i can share builds and ideas. I am very experienced and can help out racking up hours a day playing Thanks...
  3. E

    Whitelist Server EuropeanBeast [mindcrack | lastest version (8.2.0 currently)| whitelist | EU | small community |17+]

    Age : 19 IGN (in game name) : highflyer88 Country | Timezone: UK GMT Skype : will install skype soon having bugs Why should we add you to the whitelist : I am lookign for a secure , friendly and mature server where i can share builds and ideas. Also i am very experienced and can help others and...
  4. E

    Whitelist Server Ichoriya - whitelist - no restrictions - mature (18+)

    IGN - highflyer88 Age - 18 Location - England GMT About you - I am looking for A secure , freindly and mature server where i can share complex builds and interact with other players . Also i love building and can rack up hours a day playing and am capable and experienced to help the server and...