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  1. M

    Iron tank - Multistructure breaks?

    I have noticed that most of the time when I travel inter-dimensionally or even through a portal to a different base that my Iron Tank filled with lava seems to go from being an actual multi block tank to just some iron and iron windows.. I would normally make do with this bug, but the whole...
  2. M

    Whitelist Server Triple Nation | MindCrack | Whitelist | 16+ | TS3 | Plugins | Dedicated Server

    In Game Name: Mathazad Age: 16 New to mods: Yes - I've played tekkit for a long time, so feed the beast wasn't a massive upgrade for me.. I've been learning the newer mods pretty easy though. About yourself: Hello, I come from a small city in Australia around an hour south of Sydney, I've been...