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  1. M

    Direwolf20 pack crash

    Alright so I checked the console. Before it crashes it displays this string of red messages: [/COLOR]
  2. M

    Direwolf20 pack crash

    8 to 12. Not sure. Ive got the game client set to max. This is a gaming computer. You can expect the rest of my system specs to be well above the requirements for this mod and game. I can run some pretty demanding games on this set up.
  3. M

    Direwolf20 pack crash

    Other half:
  4. M

    Direwolf20 pack crash

    Nope. Still broke. Latest crash report:
  5. M

    Direwolf20 pack crash

    Well that would explain it. Strangely enough updated Java isnt required for Magic World
  6. M

    Direwolf20 pack crash

    And the other half:
  7. M

    Direwolf20 pack crash

    And here you are since any other comment besides the crash report is likely meaningless. This crash is consistent btw. Windows XP 32bit