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  1. G

    Waiting FTB Beyond - Crash When Opening iChisel Item

    still happening in 1.1.0 version too
  2. G

    Open 2.2.2: IC2 machines accepting any voltage

    is there a way to change it so they behave like classic?
  3. G

    Open 2.2.2: IC2 machines accepting any voltage

    Version: 2.2.2 What is the bug: One of the players on my server found that it doesn't matter what level of power you put into an IC2 machine they do not blow up from as an example mfsu direct to electric furnace. To test that this is not server based I tried in SSP and it was the same Mod &...
  4. G

    Problems with essentials config.yml

    that seems to have fixed it thanks for the help
  5. G

    Problems with essentials config.yml

    The version of cauldron is cauldron-1.1492.150.jar here is the log:-
  6. G

    Problems with essentials config.yml

    Hi I am fairly new to running a server so noob question. Server is direwolf 1.7.10 server using cauldron and have got essentials installed version 2.13.1. The prob is I went into the plugins/essentials/config.yml to edit the kits but all that is in the file is:- plugin-channel: world_info...
  7. G

    Horizons: Daybreaker Released

    Have you got streams active as the server I play on had bad lag until they disabled the streams mod
  8. G

    Open Server DeVco | The Dark Trilogy 1.0.8 | Open | PvP | 24/7 | Pex | QuickShop | GPPlus | GPPCities

    Seems like a nice stable server with knowledgeable staff
  9. G

    Problem Need help getting plugins on my Direwolf 1.7.10 server

    cauldron - is best bet this link has libraries and patched cauldron files
  10. G

    1.0.3: Blood Magic Altar + EnderIO Pressurized fluid conduits dont properly work together

    have you tried to manually set conduit to export see if that works?
  11. G

    1.0.1: Going through twilight portal causing crashes smp

    Version: 1.0.1 What is the bug: After making a twilight portal when I went through it crashed my client. And everytime I tried to rejoin server client crashed again with same error. I got a 2nd person to try going through a portal they made and he was getting the same results Mod &...
  12. G

    Open Server Direwolf20 1.6.4 (1.0.7) 24/7 server (20TPS) 300 slots /32gb of ram/ No Whitelist! !

    There serve is currently on version 1.0.8 of the pack and due to go to 1.0.11 soon. there is a working economy, short banned item list and the staff are fair and friendly so why not come give us a look see if you like it
  13. G

    thermal expansion strongboxes

    Hi is there a way for admin to check in thermal expansion strongboxes when made pritvate. The reason I ask is had a suspected griefer on and he had strongboxes that were locked. Finally made him relent and make public even though he tried to put the stolen items in inventory before unlocking...
  14. G

    Open Server Direwolf20 1.6.4 (1.0.7) 24/7 server (20TPS) 300 slots /32gb of ram/ No Whitelist! !

    Hi kongstar will get chris to change title you need to update direwolf to 1.0.6 on the launcher
  15. G

    Open Server Direwolf20 1.6.4 (1.0.7) 24/7 server (20TPS) 300 slots /32gb of ram/ No Whitelist! !

    good server, not bad for lag friendly players and staff come check it out
  16. G

    Open Server DeVco | Unleashed 1.1.7 | Open | PvE | 24/7 | Pex | Quickshop | MyTown

    I have only been playing this server for a little while but I have found that there is not a great deal of lag and the staff do seem to be committed to sorting it out if lag does arise. I like the way that they have limited the use of some items until after you have built up game time on the...
  17. G

    Open Server Direwolf20 1.6.4 (1.0.7) 24/7 server (20TPS) 300 slots /32gb of ram/ No Whitelist! !

    I think the link should be
  18. G

    Open Server Eternal Crusade | Unleashed 1.1.4 || PvE/PvP | Dedicated 24/7 | BoP | Towny | LWC | BOSEconomy

    and don't forget to to enable the extra mods as shown above or you will not be able to join
  19. G

    Open Server Eternal Crusade | Unleashed 1.1.4 || PvE/PvP | Dedicated 24/7 | BoP | Towny | LWC | BOSEconomy

    I have been playing on this server for a couple of weeks now and the staff are very friendly and helpful, unlike some servers I have used. I would definitely recommend people to come and try out eternal crusade as it is a nice relaxed fun place and if you fancy pvp the owner has added a pvp...