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    Offcial FTB Server Plugin thread!

    Hey greedseed, can you please upload your permissions file? Or the part how you managed to allow certain blocks/items only at certain ranks/in certain worlds?
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    Whitelist Server teamGF Gaming [FTB Unleashed 1.1.7][Survival Server][TS3][Bukkit][50 Slots]

    In Game Name: vrwim Age: 20 Country: Belgium Why should we let you into this server? I have played on a whitelisted server before with some friends, but the server admin lost interest in hosting the server. 2 of those friends joined here (lkazki and projectille), so I thought we could be...
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    Whitelist Server NYAN-Craft [Mindcrack 8.2.0][Whitelisted][Mature 16+][20tps][Skype][NA Host][Mystcraft][Hard]

    Application IGN: vrwim Age: 20 Where are you from: Ghent, Belgium How long have you played Modded Minecraft: I have been playing mods (I added them myself) for a long time, but I only recently discovered tekkit and feed the beast Skype: yes Mic: yes Why do you want to join: I like playing...
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    Portal Mod visual glitch

    Ok, thanks!
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    Portal Mod visual glitch

    In peoples videos I can see inside the portal where the other portal is going, but in my minecraft I cannot see it... a bug or something in the config I overlooked? example:
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    Uncrafting to UU Matter?

    They should really add this as an option in the config files Nope, it gives me a reason to get the Monazit stuff, because before GregTech changed the mass fabricator to matter fabricator, it was pretty easy to get UU Matter... just afk for a while and you got it. What do you mean OP? Am I...
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    Uncrafting to UU Matter?

    So I was watching some videos on youtube, and apparently you can uncraft stuff into UU Matter(with a Twilight Forest Uncrafting Table), so I tried it myself. Apparently it only works in the FTBBETAA, but I like the MindCrack pack more. So my question is: what do I change in the configs to allow...