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  1. F

    Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

    Can't seem to log into my ftb account, so facebook it is. I am trying to repair the spiked sword that I got from one of the quests, but I can't seem to do it. It's made out of paper, and reeds, books, paper or paper stacks don't work. Is it possible to repair paper tools or am I doing...
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    Private Pack closing down HamCraft - 1.5.1 [Whitelisted] | BC/ArsM/Tinkers/BetterDungeons/Etc Steampunk

    Hey eoden, when does the first restart everyday happen? Like I mean if it happens at midnight, then if the server crashes and you are not there to restart it, we know when the next time it will come up. I think we can all add three hours at a time from the initial to get the nearest restart.
  3. F

    Private Pack closing down HamCraft - 1.5.1 [Whitelisted] | BC/ArsM/Tinkers/BetterDungeons/Etc Steampunk

    Thank you, will come on later tomorrow evening. So, how many players are there? And by specialize in one area, could I perhaps start in one strongly, like pure that, then slowly branch out to one more at a time?
  4. F

    Private Pack closing down HamCraft - 1.5.1 [Whitelisted] | BC/ArsM/Tinkers/BetterDungeons/Etc Steampunk

    Name: Logan Minecraft Name: funfight22 Age (prefered 21+ but if you show maturity at a younger age I will bend this rule): 16 in a few days. Have you been banned before (if yes why)? Yes, I have repeated this plenty of times, so I am going to give you a straight to the point answer, got...
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    Private Pack Gaming!Craft - 1.5.2 [Whitelisted] | BC/IC2/TC3/ArsM/TE/GregTech [100+ Mods] | [Frequent Updates]

    Name: Logan IG-Name: funfight22 Age: 15 Banned before?: Yes, I would be willing to tell about it in teamspeak, twas just a misunderstanding at the time. Why do you want to join?: You have no idea how...
  6. F

    Private Pack ShadowRealm | ShadowRealm pack 1.0.6 (request for thread lock)

    Ingame name: funfight22 Age: 15 Minecraft experience: Since before the nether, can not remember how far, most of these mods, a few months. Average behaviour and goal on server: I really like to help people, give stuff away, I have recently been crafting thaumcraft stuff for those who don't...
  7. F

    Open Server Team Vortex | Friendly Players | Grief Prevention | 90 Slots| TeamSpeak | Minimum Restrictions

    Is the server down right now? I can not seem to join, it keeps switching between communication error and can't reach server.
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    Greylist Server CraftBeast|DW20 Pack|Whitelist|24/7|New Server!|50 Slots! |Nice Community|For Experienced and New

    In-Game Username: funfight22 Age: 15, don't really know how I could tell you I am mature in text, one could just lie if they were not. Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Yes If Yes, why? A long time ago in a server far far away, I joined and happened to...
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    Open Server Flak's Anarchy | No Rules |40 slots |FTB Ultimate|DELETE GREGTECH

    samhinty, can you pm me the coords to our place on here? If I don't catch you on the server today.
  10. F

    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    Server seems to have crashed.