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  1. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    Well this thread has gone as far as it's going to go then, Everyone on this page just go back to earlier pages if you're looking for help
  2. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    Lathanael you aren't adding to this thread, Please don't turn this into a flame thread. People come here for help
  3. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    You're doing it wrong.
  4. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    Optifine ! I installed this and tweaked some stuff I"m getting a solid 60 fps and it's SMOOTH !!! none of that stuttering stuff when you spin around no jerky nonsense If you're already using this and still get lag i'm assuming you don't have it setup right or your computer is a bit out of...
  5. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    our overworld is too big for an upload anywhere I've never used mcedit so i asked cid to do it but he's busy programming a website far too busy for us peons the temporary solution is working out ok Smooth lighting: Off SomethingSomething: Fast (Not fancy) View distance: Normal (Possibly able...
  6. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    I might be able to upload a copy of the overworld if it's small Our server in it's entirity is about 4 gigs (Mystcraft...)
  7. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    This was happening before the update
  8. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    Jeff you're in the same boat we are, If you're thinking it's a forge problem it seems probable One thing that's been bugging me is every other mod has updated eloraam hasn't I'm thinking because this is the first release of the new redpower that some bugs have yet to be worked out. Everyone...
  9. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    Also we check using /tps and the tickrate is fine on the server not even a spike SOME mystcraft worlds can be extra laggy. (Unrelated story) The one time it was server lag was when someone on the server has a mob spawner setup with turtles doing the killing and storing the exp in a brain in a...
  10. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    I like the idea of putting it on glowstone, I noticed when i turned off smooth lighting the fps went back up to about 90 Problem is i'd have to redo most of the base from all the wire But that's fine. Again we only use about 3 times all on about 5 seconds
  11. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    i took down all our timers, we haven't moved yet but maybe when we dig up all our relays the lag will stop and we won't have to move
  12. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    the problem is very persistant, we've used relays and more timers in other dimensions other homes have the same setup or similar to what we have except for the amount of microblocks Now that i think about it some guy used cut wool (carpet) ALL over his house and it doesn't lag at all The...
  13. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    Yea i think any timers we have are set to about 5 seconds and the other one is up to 5 minutes The short timers are for retrivers (we have like 2) and the 5 minute one is for our auxillary power supply Hit that button for a 5 minute burst of POWA ! Let's see uh microblocks ? yea we had a...
  14. I

    Redpower Lags Client

    We've had this server up almost a month now, Playing MindCrack updating as it comes out. Running on a decent box in a data center in kansas, this box is more than capable. Ok that's out of the way. {TL;DR At bottom} So my friend an i always build together and whatnot. So early game we go...