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  1. K

    Whitelist Server UselessCraft | Direwolf20 5.2 | Whitelist | 50 Players | No longer accepting applications

    IGN: kgrewe Age: 16 Ever been banned? A few times as a joke, but never a real, permanent ban. what can you offer the server? I like to help others out and help with community projects. Skype(yes/no): Yes, but rarely. (parents are overprotective and I have some low system specs):) Location: MN...
  2. K

    Whitelist Server SushiFTB | DireWolf20v5 | Whitelist |60 slots + 16gb of ram |Mature 14+ | No Lag ! | TeamSpeak 3!

    IGN: kgrewe Age: 16 Java or other coding experience: Some HTML and a little VB Why do you want to join: I'm looking for another nice community because the server I used to play on had to be shut down. How did you find the server: FTB Forums
  3. K

    Whitelist Server Direwolf20 Server Whitelisted 35 slots

    Minecraft name: kgrewe Age (optional): 16 Ever been banned?: No Experience with the modpack:I've been playing this modpack a lot for about two weeks, and have used some of the mods since before this modpack was made.