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  1. T

    mindcrack can't connect

    so in summary I've managed to downgrade all but buildcraft and thaumcraft to the right version. Is there any chance that in the future a button could be added to ftb's update yes/no popup to not ask every time we login if we want to upgrade. If I hadn't crashed 3 times already I prolly would...
  2. T

    mindcrack can't connect

    thermal expansion buildcraft 3.4.1 there's no download i can find so here's the link to the buildcraft site. omnitools is part of thermalexpansion, so i'm hopeing that this...
  3. T

    mindcrack can't connect

    v7 has thermal buildcraft 3.3.0 omnitools thaumcraft 3.0.1c extra bee's 1.4 forrestry binniecore 1.4 gregtech_addon mc146_v2.75b v8.0.0 wich is what i need had thermal buildcraft 3.4.1 omnitools thaumcraft 3.0.2 extra bee's 1.4 forrestry
  4. T

    mindcrack can't connect

    doesn't work, it's v8.0.0 that i need not v7 and the only option is 8.0.1
  5. T

    mindcrack can't connect

    I accidentily clicked yes to install mindcrack 8.0.1 now i can't connect to my favorite server and there doesn't seem to be a way to revert back to 8.0. when i attempt to connect i get the following error. Forge Mod Loader could not connect to this server The mods and versions listed below...