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  1. J

    Can't download server files 1.0.11?

    It won't download either the client or server. Looks like Creeperrepo is a bit bogged down, though that doesn't really explain the lack of release notes. I assume it was some sort of quick-fix update.
  2. J

    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    Not using the wiki as a reference, but there are plenty of references on the wiki:
  3. J

    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    Thanks for working on it for so long Nallar, my server wouldn't be what it is without you.
  4. J

    Multi Server Manager for FTB

    Both should work fine for you if you start your server like that then. Here is an example MCMA setup: ################################ # Java ################################ Java.Path=detect Java.Memory=14848 Java.VM=client Java.GC=default Java.useIKVM=False Java.IKVMpath=...
  5. J

    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    From GitHub:
  6. J

    How to fix the DW20 1.5 pack's world IDs

    Although I don't have a use for it, big thanks for setting it up. I don't know why this isn't filled with posts yet.
  7. J

    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    It's a much needed one too. He has been pushing builds at least once a week, usually twice a day, for the past 8 months. It sucks that he disappeared at a time with all of these new modpacks introducing bugs, but he does need some time off for the work he does. For free, I should add.
  8. J

    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    That seems to be a problem with BukkitForge rather than TickThreading. Well, probably the combination of the two. I recommend using MCPC+ instead, but otherwise you should post the issue on the GitHub page.
  9. J

    Memory Usage

    I've never seen a way to track RAM Usage per mod, but there are multiple ways to profile mods to check their tick performance and CPU Usage. TickThreading by nallar has some awesome commands such as /profile and /dump to check how certain blocks and mods are performing. It also makes Minecraft...
  10. J

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    Unless by some freak chance a worldbreaking bug appears, this is the exact same version that will be on the launcher. It's just some testing to make sure everything is A-okay before releasing to the wild. You should be just fine in starting a world. All you'll have to do is copy it over once the...
  11. J

    Direwolf20 crashes after high load after 20-30 min

    You should probably post here next time for servers. I agree with Saice, it definitely sounds like some entities spawning rapidly somewhere. Maybe a machine spitting out items or a spawner gone haywire. Can you post the crash and server log? Also, are you running TickThreading? If so you can...
  12. J

    Problem Question about microblocks.

    Soaryn is already working on hooking Xycraft in with it, so that will be pretty sweet. Source. But back to the post, Multipart isn't hooked in with Forge yet. Just remove ForgeMultipart-universal.jar and all will be well.
  13. J

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    Just get the private pack and click on "Download Server" through the launcher. Here is a direct link to it.
  14. J

    Hi I'm jombee

    Reddit you say? I like you. Welcome to the forums.
  15. J

    Important - For Users of Direwolf20_1_5 Modpack - Urgent feedback needed.

    The pack is out on the launcher. From Slowpoke's Twitter: Also from the Twitter:
  16. J

    Problem Calcavias' MFFS + MCPC+ = Crash

    If the crash report says it's out of memory, it's out of memory. Really your only options are to either disable MFFS (It can eat up a bit of RAM, hence why it would crash) or more preferably, upgrade the RAM. Check out this stickied thread about hardware. A decent host usually gives you at least...
  17. J

    Anyone have MFFS solutions?

    Oh man, ignore me. I misread your post and was looking at Thunderdark's version. That's what I get for posting before fully waking up. I believe the same thing can be achieved with "B:Op Override=true" in that version, which I see you have enabled.
  18. J

    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    I've been using TickThreading on my Direwolf 1.5 server since it came out. There are a large amount of (mostly minor) bugs, but the performance has been worth it as it was on 1.4.7. I'm sure nallar is just talking a much needed break. The only major thing I've ran into is a nasty bug with...