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  1. B

    Open can't craft chunkloader upgrade

    Thats probably because FTB... The Recipe works fine in OC Standalone. Also as stated it doesnt help to a have fixed chunkloader for a moving thing like a robot. If you want to enjoy opencomputers you should play a pack which also adds some addons, not only plain OC.
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    FTB Beyond Flux Networks Crash

    thats a bug in fluxnetworks which allready got hotfixed, but ftb team didnt update yet...
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    Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

    Pack: Feed the Beast: Beyond Suggestion: Extra Bit Manipulation makes Chisel and Bits way more fun as it has helpers for creating spheres/cylinders and the ability to change materials in a existing designtemplate Its allready...
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    Psi Discussion Thread

    I love this Mod :) Great work (same applies to Botania, ...) One (or two) things i would love to see for the CAD 2+ Itemslots INSIDE the CAD which you can use for tasks like: * compare to block at world vector position * set as item for place block tricks * set as filter to break loops, so you...
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    Open 2.4.2: [2.5.0] Draconic Evolution Upgrade Modifier adding cores above limit

    Version: 2.4.2 What is the bug: and another one in draconic... when adding cores to tools/armor on the "upgrade modifier" you can add cores above the limit when clicking the add button fast enough... Mod & Version: Draconic Evolution 1.7.10-1.0.2a log: Can it...
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    Open 2.4.2: [2.5.0] Draconic Item Dislocator + XP Shower => Infinite XP

    setup: started with 40 levels: put them in the xp obelisk and just wait 44 lvl xp after first run, ~100 lvl xp after 25 runs
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    Open 2.4.2: [2.5.0] Draconic Item Dislocator + XP Shower => Infinite XP

    Version: 2.4.2 What is the bug: Hello, i've noticed some bug with the Draconic Item Dislocator, my Setup was like this: Ender IO Experience Oblisk => Openblocks XP Shower When i stood next to the setup my XP keept raising faster than the XP was drained from the Obelisk. Happens with the...
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    Open 2.4.2: [2.5.0] Gendustry Advanced Mutatron "Dupebug"

    Version: 2.4.2 What is the bug: theres a small dupe bug with the advanced mutatron. (didn't try the normal one) When you put in enough Materials to cross multiple times (only tried with bees and botany flowers) you can doubleclick the result and get two instead of one item. It seems to take...
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    Closed 2.4.2: thaumic energistics mostly broken (updated Java on Client fixed it)

    updated my java, now it doesn't crash anymore. thanks, thread can be closed
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    Closed 2.4.2: thaumic energistics mostly broken (updated Java on Client fixed it)

    No Microblocks, neither standalone testsetup works. Wireless terminals have the same Bug.
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    Closed 2.4.2: thaumic energistics mostly broken (updated Java on Client fixed it)

    Version: 2.4.2 What is the bug: hi, everytime when opening arcane/essentia terminal, or molecular assembler/knowledge inscriber the client crashs or disconnects from server. Bugs are known by the mod autor, and fixed?
  12. B

    Auto-craft as items enter m.e. network?

    Sorry for pushing this old Thread up, but it was one of my first google results, so i wanted to add another solution. You need 1x Exportbus, 1x Importbus, 1x Crafting Card, Pattern for your Receipe and a vanilla Doublechest. (And working Autocrafting with Interface/Assembler/...) You setup the...