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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Mac Can't go on single player or multiplayer FTB Ultimate

    i did, and yes :D but then there was an issue with the mod packs, saying i needed older versions than the ones the server had, but that's fixed too.. so TY!
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    Mac Can't go on single player or multiplayer FTB Ultimate

    Had any luck on playing? I have the same problem
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    Mac Help with FTB crashing on a mac at launch

    zis it?
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    Mac Help with FTB crashing on a mac at launch

    i managed to fixed the problem by using multimc to launch the modpack, but now when i get in the server it says i need twilight forest 1.15.3, i check the mods and i have 1.15.4.. so i remove it and then add the 1.15.3 version, but when i launch minecraft now i get another crash related to TWF i...
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    Mac Help with FTB crashing on a mac at launch

    Hi, I'm having some issues with FTB. I'm trying to play on a mac and a couple of days ago the server I played on changed from direwolf to ultimate and that is when the issues started. I could play perfectly on DW, but ultimate would never start when i logged in the server or opened a single...
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    Mac Black screen upon connecting to server.

    hey, any luck yet? i have the same exact problem, the server i play on turned to ultimate and i can't log cause of black screenand pretty much tried all the thins you mentioned to fix it and nothing
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    Whitelist Server [24/7] SMP.SO || FTB v8 MINDCRACK || WHITELIST || 4 GB || Small Community

    Name: seanminator (Sean) Age: 20. Country: Argentina. Mic: Nope. How active are you: Depends on how much free time I get because of work and my studies, but I'm active. Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): Nope. Do you plan to use voice chat when we...
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    Whitelist Server MindFunk Server | FTB Ultimate v1.0.1 | Small Mature Community | Dedicated Hosting | Recruiting Now

    IGN: seanminator Age: 20 Why do you want to join? Because I'd really like to play this with other people, I believe you can get much more from a game when playing with others. Have you ever been banned? Nope. prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Played Tekkit for some time, and I'm pretty new...