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  1. F

    Whitelist Server FTB Server | Direwolf20 Pack | Whitelist | 24/7

    If you still have 2 slots by the time you get to this app, I would like to apply for me and a friend who is not online right now (he is staying at mine for the night, and places tend to go quickly for good servers). *Your IGN : freelancer_12345 *Your age : 18 *Your Time Zone : UTC *How long...
  2. F

    Whitelist Server World of FTB|Direwolf20|18+|Mature|Anti-Grief|15 Slots|10GB Ram|Whitelisted|PvE/Survival - CLOSED -

    Yo Jiggy! Remember me? IGN: freelancer_12345 Age: 18 Have you ever been banned from a server?: No, never If yes then please state why: Have you had experience with any of the mods in the modpack?: I have had experience with all mods up until the V5 pack which i have not been on yet due to me...
  3. F

    Whitelist Server Minec*nt|Mindcrack 8.2.0|Whitelist|Relaxed Gregtech|18+ preferred|

    In game name: freelancer_12345 Time playing FTB: About 6 mths Age: 18 Timezone: UTC How much time you think you'd be online: At least once per day excluding Mondays
  4. F

    Whitelist Server Durgcraft|DireWolf20 v5.1.1|Whitelisted|16+|Mature|24/7|UK based

    Sorry to repeat what I have already said but my issue has not been resolved
  5. F

    Whitelist Server Humble & Small - MC Server | Direwolf20 5.2.0 | Whitelist | PvP | 18+ | Survival

    I think I can guess the answer to this question, but i will ask anyway (Don't ask and you never know). Would you be willing to accept someone who is 17 but would be turning 18 in a few weeks? (i also have a feeling I am too late and the server will be full but oh well, here's to hoping)
  6. F

    Whitelist Server Durgcraft|DireWolf20 v5.1.1|Whitelisted|16+|Mature|24/7|UK based

    I dont seem to be whitelisted on the server. Could you re-add me? :) freelancer_12345 Also, a question: How are you handling the Twilight Forrest? Do you have a portal that works, or have you disabled from the server?
  7. F

    Whitelist Server Durgcraft|DireWolf20 v5.1.1|Whitelisted|16+|Mature|24/7|UK based

    Name/Nickname: Free IGN: freelancer_12345 Age:17 Why you want to join: Looking for a server where I can build with others and use all the tech! What you would bring to the server: A creative mind and a good working knowledge of most of the mods
  8. F

    Whitelist Server MineMadness | [Direwolf20][1.4.6][Dedicated]| Whitelisted | Full Survival |English and French|Mature

    Your Age: 17 Your experience with the modpack: I managed to get quite far in the tech tree and mystcraft and started on thaumcraft. For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Cant give a time frame, but I was here from mid alpha Why would you want to join our server: Looking for...