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    Whitelist Server ★ Unix Network ★ - RPG Immersion Pack - White-Listed -

    In-Game-Name: Bigj69915 Real Name: Tyler Carroll Age: 14 Have you ever been banned before: This account was my brothers old account. There are 2 bans on servers that my brother was trolling on. I would never do anything to get banned. You can check out the information about the bans here...
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    my account has been hacked so i got a new account. IGN: Drag0nDem0n old account was zachumphrey please whitelist me
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    my account has been hacked so i got a new account. IGN: Drag0nDem0n
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    this server sucks people randomly killed me multiple times
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    IGN: zachumphrey Age: 14 Whitelist Link: Why do you want to be on this server: I want to join this server because I have been playing on a public server and I got greifed and I would like to be on a Private server to...