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  1. R

    1.0.2: [Router Reborn] Storage Units cheating bug with Transporter Pipes

    Version: 1.0.2 What is the bug: If you try to get the items out of a Storage Unit from Router Reborn with a Transporter Pipe from Mekanism, it pulls the items out, but they also are still in the Unit too. Its like the Unit doesnt realise that the items got pulled out... Mod & Version...
  2. R

    1.0.2: Same recipe for Mini Coal(Mini Charcoal)[Ztones] and Fragmented Carbon[Galacticraft 3]

    Version: 1.0.2 What is the bug: The recipes for Mini Coal(Mini Charcoal)[Ztones] and Fragmented Carbon[Galacticraft 3] are the same. Its impossible to craft "Fragmented Carbon" to produce Galacticraft Fuel Mod & Version: log: Can it be repeated: Known Fix: