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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. R

    Whitelist Server Ultimate Enki (CLOSED - RELOCATING)| Ultimate Server | Whitelist | Mature 18+ | BukkitForge

    IGN: ralphgod3 Age: 19 Modded Interests (what mods you like to play with): i like to start with industrialcraft branch out to gregtech and thaumcraft and i use alot of redpower and abit of computercraft to make stuff automatic reaaly the only mod i hardly use the machines from is factorization...
  2. R

    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    IGN: ralphgod3 Age: 19 Whitelist link: Why do you want to join the server: ive played tekkit but i got borred of outdated mods tryed to go not whitelisted servers but came to realize that they are realy kinda like solo...