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  1. M

    Whitelist Server Gearcraft Direwolf 20 v 1.0.16 whitelisted 15 Slots BOP

    Why does the server keep randomly going down? Is this server reliable?
  2. M

    Whitelist Server Gearcraft Direwolf 20 v 1.0.16 whitelisted 15 Slots BOP

    Minecraft Username: MikeBoy123 Have you ever been banned before?: Yes. If Yes, Why were you banned?: My younger brother angered an admin on the server we played on in early 2011, and because of that, the admin IP banned us, so I was banned as a result. Why do you wish to join the server...
  3. M

    Magic World will not create or load worlds?

    Hi, today I decided I would want to make a world with only magical mods on it, so I went to Magic World Pack, and disabled all mods that do not have magic in them (with a few exceptions) because it would laggy as HELL with all the mods enabled and I would like only magic. Here is the mod list...
  4. M

    Hey can I join the server

    Hey can I join the server
  5. M

    How to get rid of Lag (please help!)

    I will try that. Thanks!!!
  6. M

    How to get rid of Lag (please help!)

    When you guys all play FTB, what're your preferred settings w/ OptiFine, less-lag wise, not quality-wise?
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    Buildcraft quarry efficiency at high speed?

    Of course though, you could expand your tunnel bore to be REALLY tall, and have all the excess cobble dug up go into a void pipe, and have all the ores and materials sorted out. I would love to do that in my SSP world!!!!
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    How to get rid of Lag (please help!)

    How could I override it? I had a talk with my father, and he told me you cannot upgrade video cards or Processor on my laptop, or that I cannot get more RAM because I already have enough. Is this all true? My birthday came a week ago, and I now have a lot of cash to upgrade parts if necessary.
  9. M

    Buildcraft quarry efficiency at high speed?

    If you can afford it, definitely go for the RP2 Tunnel Bore. You can use Ender Chests to bring batteries into a Battery Box to power the motors, then the empty ones go into another Ender Chest to get recharged. DireWolf20 made one at the end of Season 3 of his SMP LP on YouTube. If you get a...
  10. M

    Gravel Production?

    Take another Igneous Extruder producing cobble, pulverize that into sand, with a 10% of getting gravel. Put the sand into a void pipe (or a chest or Powered Furnace, etc.), and pulverize the gravel. You will effectively get 1 flint per 10 cobble, and the cobble is produced FAST. You can power...
  11. M

    Why should I start with beekeeping?

    You should start with bees because with the Extra Bees mod included, the possibilities are endless. There's bees that make lava, special piping, pollen, food, large backpacks, METALS!!!! (Once you automate bees with pipes, INFINITE METALS!!!!!)
  12. M

    How to get rid of Lag (please help!)

    Optifine is way better, but playing with my animations off does slightly increase FPS to about 15 (I was wrong before, my FPS is usually hovering around 13). Any ways I can fix it? (ex. Registry Cleaners, Defragmenting, etc)
  13. M

    How to get rid of Lag (please help!)

    Ok, did some testing on a superflat map. Fancy, Tiny, No OpenGL, looking up at the sky, roughly 30 fps on average w/o Optifine (disabled the mod for this test).
  14. M

    How to get rid of Lag (please help!)

    I have allocated memory already
  15. M

    How to get rid of Lag (please help!)

    I play the Mindcrack pack, and even with half the mods disabled, Optifine on, all of my Optifine settings off (like animations, details, etc.), and playing on Tiny with Peaceful, I'm still only getting about 15-18 FPS. Any tips? Only got a few gigs of RAM, HP 2000 model, laptop.