Search results

  1. N

    Alternative to MineOS

    So, In the past I have tried to keep life simple by using MineOS for my minecraft server OS. It has some nice parts to it including simplicity (so low maintenance), a web interface, etc. On the other hand, it does not play all that nice with FtB packs and upgrading to new versions of a pack...
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    Big Reactors : Smallest self sustaining?

    So I see people in various threads talking about their giant big reactors running MRF drills and getting enough yellorium ore to keep the reactor running and this got me wondering what the smallest self sustaining reactor design might be. For own attempt (so far) I followed the 9x9x3 'most...
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    Request Botania Tree Farm

    Ok, so I have looked at a number of youtube videos and other tutorials for how to build a tree farm in Botania (DW 1.7 pack) but, after a lot of tinkering, seem to be missing something and I am hoping someone can say where I am being an idiot. All the angles seem to match up, saplings are...
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    DW20 & Shaders

    So while playing along with the new DW20 series/pack I decided to dip my toe into shaders for the first time, and being a first time, perhaps this is a really basic and stupid type of question, but here here goes: Just how configurable are these shaders? I love the look I see in a lot of...
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    CrashLanding Op

    I am not sure if this is the right area for this since it is not actually a bug or failure, but I was hoping to find out how other people address something. So I just spun up a CrashLanding server. I have run servers before (usually with Essentials or similar installed) but I have never used...
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    XU Generators and Magic Farm 2

    So I finally got around to trying out Extra Utilities new generators, but was not able to find all that much information out there about them. One thread I did find indicated that one could use splash potions in the potion generator, which made me very happy since I have piles of 'poison II'...
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    DW20 1.6 BC Plugs/Facades

    Since I could not find anything about this in the buildcraft issue list this might just be some kind of user error but.... In the current DW20 1.6.4 pack, are plugs and facades working correctly? I have tried all 4 combinations of clicking (right/left, shift/not) on BC transport pipes and none...
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    Thaumcraft 4 - Extra Research Notes

    I found a little discussion about this in regard to TC3, but the mechanics seem to have changed enough that I am not sure how well it applies. So, while researching, I have ended up with a LOT of research notes, mostly duplicates or things I do not care enough to finish (I really wish there was...
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    Thaumcraft 4 - Runaway Infusion

    Ok! So I have been playing with TC4 and have started with the infusion alter, and seem to have a bit of a runaway situation that I can not figure out how to stop. I was originally trying to make thaumium caps. I had all the needed components, it ate all essentia that it needed, and then it...
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    Windows .exe Can`t Punch Wood

    I suspect this issue is not mod pack specific so I did not want to post it in the general bugs, but for reference the specific one I am running is the Direwolf20 1.6 pack. I encountered one of the itemduct bugs that makes the world un-loadable, so I went in with MCEdit and removed the block...
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    Mixing Peaceful and Survival?

    Hey all. So I have a specific thing I am trying to accomplish, and I am wondering what might be the best way of going about it. I am still pretty new at this so I am getting a handle on what options are out there. I have spun up a Direwolf20 1.5v2 server with MCPC+ & Essentials. I am using...
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    Solved Essentials+Mystcraft permissions

    This is not a problem per say, but I am having an issue that I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I am working on setting up a Direwolf20 1.5v2 server on Linux. I have installed ForgeEssetials with the GroupManager plugin an have gotten the basic hand of setting up group...
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    Solved FE /setspawn behavior

    I did some searching and could not find anything that seemed to match up with this problem, so hopefully this is not too much of a duplicate. I am spinning up a Direwolf20 1.5v2 server with ForgeEssentials and attempting to use a Mystcraft age for initial player spawning. The piece I am having...
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    Mystcraft Manual Editing?

    I was wondering, has anyone had any success with manually editing mystcraft ages? Is anything known about how they are formatted? I have been trying to write a specific age for use on a server as a 'new player' area and 50 iterations in am getting a little frustrated trying to figure out how...
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    TC3: Grinding Wisps

    Ok, I have been playing around in the Direwolf20 pack trying to figure out how to make use of all these wisps my horrible misuse of thaumcraft has been generating. I have my local node enclosed in a 5x5x7 box which is keeping them from getting out, but now I want to find a way to...