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  1. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Sorry, yes this is on a multiplayer server. I understand the grouping of drops into stacks but I didn't think this worked to combine broken armor into fully repaired armor. It also happens with enchanted armor. I get only broken pieces if the chest is empty but if I cleanup after I get fully...
  2. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Found an oddity and wonder if anyone can explain (running Horizons: Daybreaker mod pack) I have an aura cascade spawner spitting out bad guys who drop down onto diamond spikes. I then have an openblocks hopper grabbing the xp into a bedrockium drum and the rest of the drops being deposited into...
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    1.0.0: Equivalent Exchange 3 Values Dissappearing

    Removing the mod WiiEMC resolves this. It doesn't affect multiplayer servers (can disable locally)
  4. S

    at com.arc.bloodarsenal.common.misc.VersionChecker.onTick(

    I was able to get this working multiplayer by editing my local blood arsenal config and turning off the auto update check.
  5. S

    FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

    If you modify the local blood arsenal config and switch the two auto update items that are looking for updates to false it will work again.
  6. S

    FTB News - September 18th, 2015

    Is there any news on an update for Horizons Daybreaker? Lots of big bugs that have cropped up and would be resolved by updating the mods. It hasn't been looked at for a while now.
  7. S

    FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

    Nope, I doublechecked by allowing the full armor to sit in the chest. I have an advanced filter through extra utils setup to only trash items with "visible durability bar". It will trash all broken gear but leaves the fully intact gear in the chest. I have tested by throwing newly crafted...
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    FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

    Found an oddity and wonder if anyone can explain.. I have an aura cascade spawner spitting out bad guys who drop down onto diamond spikes. I then have an openblocks hopper grabbing the xp into a bedrockium drum and the rest of the drops being deposited into a chest. Off of the chest I am using...
  9. S

    FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

    Is there any plans to update this pack at all? It appears to have been abandoned? The mod config folder is a mess with config files for mods that didn't make the cut (Draconic Evolution, Runic Dungeons, Magical Crops, etc). The changelog page on FTB for this still has a note stating "Note...
  10. S

    Do you build interesting automated things too?

    I have been working through some of the Botania flowers. The Entropynnium, Thermalilly and Endoflames are all done (they were easy in comparison with the Spectrolus). Might attempt the Keki flower next. It eats cake dropped on the ground by it so will have to automate a "cake farm" first. I...
  11. S

    Do you build interesting automated things too?

    I was able to fully automate Botania's Spectrolus. It was a fun build -