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  1. Y

    How can I make my wooden pipe pull from a certain slot of

    I would really suggest using electric translocators. you have the eu there already, you just need a lv transformer for the translocator. if placed on the side of the electrolyzer, it will pull out the finished products. the same goes for any gregtech machine, I believe. the translocator just...
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    Couple of questions...

    well, you could try centrifuging lava for copper. it will, however, quickly chew through any lava you have stored. as for the rubber farm, that may have been disabled already. try the new multiblock farm set to harvest sticky resin. it works wonders.
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    noise machine

    I think you want the sonictron block from gregtech. I haven't used one personally, but the description sounds like what you want.
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    Apiarist chests and sorting

    Hello all, So, I've recently built a new sorting house utilizing barrels, with a few diamond chests for overflow. In my previous setup, the overflow chests were usually chock full of rocky bees from my quarries, so for this sorting room I wanted to add an apiarist's chest in as the first...
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    [Mindcrack] Cracked sand won't spread...

    im not 100% sure with this version of xtrabiomes, but in the 1.2.5 versiom I've played before there was definitely an option that orevented cracked sand from spreading outside of a wasteland biome.
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    [1.4.6] TMCraft PvE Community Server[WL][Mindcrack]

    Heh, yeah...server is down atm. Hopefully Amon wakes up and restarts it soon!
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    [Twilight Forest] Unknown Dungeon

    seconding greytusks post. they're a WIP dungeon. they make really good mob traps, but that's about it for now
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    In-Game Name: Yarntheory Age: 21 Why do you want to join KumaCraft?: Seems like a nice community, with room to grow. Also, I'm really looking forward to logistic pipes and mystcraft. I've had my eye on your server for a couple days, and the map reset on my last server has prompted me to look for...
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    [1.4.6] TMCraft PvE Community Server[WL][Mindcrack]

    yes. It's been having some troubles today. I think the owner went to bed though.
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    [1.4.6] TMCraft PvE Community Server[WL][Mindcrack]

    Minecraft Name: Yarntheory Age&Location: 21, US Have you ever been banned from a server: No, I have not. Why would you like to play TMCraft: Single player is notoriously boring (I always end up cheating stuff in cause I get too lazy to keep mining). And the open servers are too grief-prone, or...