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  1. R

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    I'm amazed how people manage to not get their tables leveled way before they get the next casting complex tier. Just craft all that small, quite usefull stuff you can.
  2. R

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    As far as I know (though I'm just about to get to the endgame myself), Multi-Aura Repeaters have a lot more loss than single ones, so this may not be the best solution efficiency wise.
  3. R

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    @Nezraddin You're welcome. Glad to be able to help as well, instead of being the only one asking questions. As for the Scissorweed, oh yea. I actually totally forgot about the basic Botania Flowers. Always thought you don't want to break any of the generating/producing flowers, so completely...
  4. R

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    About aesthetics vs practicality, I'm pretty much the same. It's just ChrC itself being focused around aesthetics quite a bit, so I was surprised it would need something like that. As for the scissorweed, the entry in the book feels like it's talking about the actual Crystal Seed Flowers, as...
  5. R

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Well, I guess. Can't say I'm happy with it, as it certainly feels quite... "disappointing" as a solution. I mean, this is Chromaticraft we're talking about, which has aesthetics as a major selling point?
  6. R

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Alright, how the hell do I make a remotely efficient automated farm with crystal seeds? I suppose I want to use enrichment vines with fertility blooms, to speed up the growth? And Scissorweed to harvest? Or am I better off just using RoC Fans to harvest? Followed by an item vacuum to collect...
  7. R

    ReactorCraft - clever reactor setups?

    If you apply a redstone signal to the steam grate, it stops letting out steam.
  8. R

    ReactorCraft - clever reactor setups?

    Uhm, what do you mean? That IS a reactor, or do you mean, produce enough to save up steam, so when your reactor doesnt run you can still startup the turbine? Maybe some screens would help, I'll try to make a basic example later on, if I remember to do so..
  9. R

    ReactorCraft - clever reactor setups?

    Wait, what are we talking about? I meant using a single co2 heat exchanger surrounded by 4 pebble bed reactor cores on each side, 4 layers high. From there, using a single heat exchanger with a single steam boiler. Maybe it's also due to your water supply? I had it multiple times, that my steam...
  10. R

    ReactorCraft - clever reactor setups?

    What did you try? They are a tad different from the others (afaik), as in they are meant to be stacked. Also the cores should surround the co2 heat exchanger, not the other way around. A simple (very simple, and probably terrible inefficient, but usually working for me) design would be 4 layers...
  11. R

    [1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

    Referring to it being an easy farm, or speeding up the process? If you're referring to the process, I don't think it's anymore exploit-ish than sleeping alot to speed up your farm growth or your grinder earlygame.
  12. R

    [1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

    Was talking mainly about ratios like how many cores to co2 exchanger, to steam boilder and so on. At least for the HTGR I remember it being somewhat off. Or how fast things heat up, how much cooling they need and so on.
  13. R

    [1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

    For everone being new to ReactorCraft, keep in mind that these tutorials are probably outdated in quite a few things, especially on ratios, numbers and the likes. The basic structure should be about the same, however. I'd rather not have the modpack be known to be promoting outdated tutorials...
  14. R

    What would YOU change about BuildCraft?

    While it works just fine pumping oil, it can only pump up to 2 blocks below it. Since BC oil is found mostly vertically, you'd need to replace the pumps every few seconds, which isn't exactly the best solution. Edit: Someone actually suggested to make a RoC addon to Reika for a pump which does...
  15. R

    What would YOU change about BuildCraft?

    Well, it's not like there's no pump at all. It's simply not exactly suited for pumping it up. Also, the pack is designed so that there's not 20 different machines that do the same thing. Thanks for the answer anyways!
  16. R

    What would YOU change about BuildCraft?

    Not sure if I get that. Do you mean the way it is now, or if you'd move the pump to the energy module? The current problem is, what if you have the energy module enabled, but no pump that can easily pump up the oil?
  17. R

    [1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

    Use a hoe on grass without water near. Gives all different kind of seeds, mainly wheat, carrots, potatoes and canola.
  18. R

    [1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

    Oh. Well, I guess that's that, then.
  19. R

    [1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

    I think Reika reduced the temperature in the nether by quite a bit, to prevent abuse regarding temperatures for the Blast Furnace and smelting Tungsten. Not entirely sure if this is only for said machines, or in general.
  20. R

    [1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

    Another thing to keep in mind, the height of the machine also affects the temperature in some way. Depending on the difference in height, you could get quite different values.