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  1. M

    Problem (Unleashed + Greg) Biome specific crash?

    yea i dont think its greg, I just wanted to add that it is indeed modded as such just for reference.
  2. M

    Problem (Unleashed + Greg) Biome specific crash?

    Im running 1.5.2 Unleashed + Greg and recently run into a series of crashes that seem to be isolated within a biome or at least the immediate surrounding area. Any help would be appreciated. I should clarify that the server does not crash, but rather anyone who enters will have their client...
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    IGN: Mute3427 AGE: 28 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED FROM A SERVER: Never WHY YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH S!K NAT!ON: I'm looking for a mature and stable community that isn't going to fold in 2 weeks time. I want to be part of an environment/server that continually grows and evolves into something. DO YOU...
  4. M

    Whitelist Server RedstoneCraft|MindCrack V8.01|Whitelisted|24/7|Mumble

    Age: 29 Experience with the mods: I've been using FTB since its launch and tekkit long before. Would you say you are a mature person? Definitely Have you ever been banned from a server? Never IGN: Mute3427 Thanks~