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  1. M

    Problem Mindcrack server on Linux

    Is it possible that I can take my old server and run it on Ubuntu 12.04. Everything is unchanged, all I need to is to configure the Start.bat file to run on Ubuntu Java rather than the Windows Java...Help?
  2. M

    [64x] Soartex Fanver - Smooth and Clean FTB

    Is there by any chance a 32x version of this?
  3. M

    No aura nodes on the server

    Recently my server crashed so I deleted my aura.dat and replaced it with a new one from another server. Now unfortunately there are no Aura nodes. Any help is appreciated
  4. M

    Server is crashing on boot up. My server is crashing up on the boot. I really need help. Anything is appreciated.
  5. M

    Help me fix this server crash
  6. M

    Transferring worlds between modpacks. HELP NEEDED

    Hi, I was wondering whether it'd be possible to save the existing world of my Feed The Beast server and transfer it to my Direwolf20 Server. Is it possible to transfer the world from one end to another?