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    Whitelist Server O.D.G Craft| Direwolf 20 1.7 | Mature 18+ | Non PVP | Small White-listed | Dedicated Server

    IGN (In Game Name): Shisagi Age: 23 A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Been playing MC for a couple of years, spending most of my time with the yogscast packs. Ive got a decent knowledge of mods. Looking to play with people who like to cooperate and use voice chat. Love...
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    Whitelist Server Skyward Gaming | 1.7.10 Direwolf20 | Dedicated 24/7 Uptime | 18+ No Drama

    IGN: Shisagi Age:23 Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Yogscast complete pack. Playstyle: Pve. Aesthetics and efficiency What is your favorite mod?: AE What is the main rule?: Use common sense
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    Whitelist Server Incepticraft - A modded minecraft server community

    IGN: Shisagi Age: 23 Ban: No if yes: Why join: Looking for a friendly server to cooperate with referred: Found on forum Voicechat: Whichever is needed. Good mic. Server: DW20