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  1. P

    Wraith Nodes Not Working

    I run a FTB ultimate server, and I can not get wraith nodes to work. I've tried to reinstall the server a couple of times, and even though the single player wraith nodes works they don't on the server. I can't seem to find any config or anything that disables them and also haven't been able to...
  2. P

    [FIX] How To Fix No Mobs Spawning!

    I spent a very large amount of time trying to trouble shoot this problem and I found a solution, and for the sake of admins every where I thought I'd share. ~What Is Happening?~ I Have discovered that Thaumcraft mobs have a nasty habit of getting stuck in limbo. My servers whole mob cap...
  3. P

    Solved FTB Ultimate Server Crashes on start up

    I run my FTB server on a dedicated ubuntu server via multicraft, and normally I don't have any problem updating, and any problems I encounter can be fixed with a bit of work. However I have ran into this after updating the FTB ultimate pack to the newest version and trying t run it 8.05...
  4. P

    [Mindcrack] Soul Shard Tier Mismatch?

    So I know that soul shards has been updated, and according to both the in game shard information, and the mod post on the minecraft forums tier one now happens at 64 kills. But when playing the game I still have to get to 200 kills for the shard to work. Am I fundamentally missing something or...
  5. P

    How will all these packs be maintained? [6 is a lot]

    In the launcher there are currently 3 different packs ran by the FTB team is in charge of that will need work and updating. [Magic world, mindcrack, direwolf] According to all the dev news I have heard there will be at least 3 more. [Lite, ultimate, a new tech pack] I was wondering if any of...