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    Whitelist Server {[Oddworld]} Horizon ftb [whitelist|no plugins| 24/7 Creeperhost Server]

    Minecraft Name: darkstar5786778 Why you want to join: Been looking for a good FTB server that isn't full of premiums that limit things you can do. Age: 18
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    Whitelist Server AxiomCraft// TPPI! // 24/7 // Plugins // Mature

    IGN: darkstar5786778 Age:17 Are you new to FTB?I am not new to FTB Why should I add you?I believe i would be a great part of the community, help people in need of information. What are you good at?I know my way around IC2, gregtech, Forestry, mainly bees and making tons of automated processes...
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    Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

    In Game Name:darkstar5786778 Age:17 Banned Before:nope. Experience with modded MC:I have had very extensive experience with mods even before ftb. Goals On Server:Make every single bee there is. Unique Skills?:Good at automating contraptions. How Active are you?:I expect to be on during my free...
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    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    Forum name:bmkdarkstar In-Game Name:darkstar5786778 Age:17 Country:USA Have you ever been banned? why?I have not been banned from a server, i always follow the rules as best as i can. If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be batman, having millions of dollars...
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    Whitelist Server Orphicraft FTB | Ultimate 1.0.1 | Whitelist |Economy | Grief Prevention | Friendly | 24/7

    Minecraft Username: darkstar5786778 Have you ever been banned? If so, why? I have not. What do you plan to contribute to the server?I plan to help people with my extensive knowledge of mods and contribute to the community Do you have any previous experience with FTB? If so, what?I have had...
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    Whitelist Server LukeyCraft Feed The Beast - Mindcrack - 1.4.7 - 50 Slots!

    IGN: darkstar5786778 Will you obey the Rules?: Of course. Age: Just turned 17. Favorite Mob: Blaze, they will eat your soul.