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  1. Z

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    Yeah, I have been keeping an eye on certain YouTubers' with new 1.9+ mods. I am really liking these new mods.
  2. Z

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    Yeah, I have been meaning to look into the new Blood Magic. It's not really a "good" magic kind of mod (hince the words "Blood Magic") and has quite a lot of evil traits behind that mod. It's a good mod don't get me wrong, it's just not a mod that seems quite benevolent, if you understand what I...
  3. Z

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    That does sound quite interesting, but it doesn't really sound like what I have mentioned previously, my idea was to give someone else this buff from a spell, and cause a debuff on someone who tries to attack the caster.
  4. Z

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    Kind of? I haven't looked too in depth with Chromaticraft, although I have just looked up a video on this and it seems to only give effects to the player wearing it (from what I seen from the video, correct me if I am wrong about my information on Chromaticraft). I was talking about literal...
  5. Z

    Request Suggest mods for creation here

    As I have a realization that there are very little "positive magic" mods out there (Botania may or may not be considered as such mod, seeing that it deals with flowers and nature), I have a thought on the focus of a mod. Seeing that most mods do not have interaction with other players(Witchery...