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    Whitelist Server Beat The Beast [Resurrection 1.0.1] Server Closed Due To Lack Of Updates.

    ign: tiby1 age: 18 Location: U.S have you ever been banned on a server and if so why: ive never been banned anything you think you should add: i really want to enjoy a good community oriented server
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    Whitelist Server NoobGamers|Resurrection|1.0.0|Mature|Friendly|No Banned Items|TS3|Dedicated|24/7|PvP/PvE|

    Forum Name: Tiby Minecraft name: tiby1 Age: 18 Country: US How long have you played the modded version of minecraft? over a year What do you like about modded minecraft?: The freedom to try new things Have you been banned? If so, why?: nope What can you bring to the community? a fun active...
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    Whitelist Server NexusCraft - 16 Slots - 2GB - New Server - DW20 1.7 Series - Mature

    Minecraft IGN:tiby1 Age:18 Mod packs you've used before: unleashed, monster, some private mod packs Favorite mod: IC2 and Witchery Least Favorite mod: i dont really have one What you plan to bring to the community:a fun team oriented player How often do you play: at least a hour a day
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    Whitelist Server Casual DW20 server looking for players

    looks good :) IGN:tiby1 age:18
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    Whitelist Server SUNDOGS -BRAND NEW DIRE 1.7.10 SERVER- Fresh Map

    IGN:tiby1 Age:18 Skype:tibysimmy Why do you want to play this pack? because its fun and new Are you a youtuber, twitcher, etc?:no Any other helpful information: ive played on unleashe for a few years and dW2 for a few months and just looking for a new server to play on
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    Whitelist Server Midcraft Reborn|DW20 1.0.3 for MC 1.7.10|Whitelisted| Fresh Restart

    What is your IGN:tiby1 Age:18 Skype (mandatory):tibysimmy Country/Time Zone:EST What is your greatest achievement in Minecraft: a large cave house with diamond block flooring and a complete IC2 factory What is your experience with modded Minecraft: ive played a few private packs a couple months...
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    Whitelist Server direwolf 1.7 1.0.3 chillcraft_reboot-few band items-new map-small group-16+only

    IGN: tiby1 Age: 18 Experience: began in vanilla days played alot of ftb unleashed and monster, played on some private packs also What you're looking for in a server: a friendly small community server just want to have some laid back fun.
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    Whitelist Server (Closed for maintenance) The Dark Trilogy(1.7.10)|No banned items|Small Community|

    it feels so lonely on this server with no one on;(
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    Whitelist Server Stonecraft V4 (Mindcrack)(UK Host)(16+)

    Age (16+):18 IGN:tiby1 FTB experience: over 2 years, unleashed, monster some private modpacks Your favourite creation: a nice working factory and being a warlock
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    Whitelist Server (Closed for maintenance) The Dark Trilogy(1.7.10)|No banned items|Small Community|

    Name (Not required):Tobias Minecraft User-Name:tiby1 Preffered Name:tiby Age (Preffered but not required):18 Have you ever been banned:nope Why you want to play:trying to find a fresh new server with a small community and want a nice relaxing game of minecraft.
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    Whitelist Server FTB Monster 1.1.1/Private/New World/Whitelist/18+

    IGN: tiby1 Age:18 Experience with the mods: ive played a bunch of modpacks, such as, monster,unleahed, tekkit and a bunch of private modpacks Skype: dont have one yet Strengths(building, redstone, machines, etc): tinker's construct, witchery, and redstone How much time do you play a day/week: 5...
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    Whitelist Server Canadian DW20 | 1.7.10 | 1.0.1 | Whitelisted

    Age:18 Minecraft ign: tiby1 Modded MC Experience:ftb modpacks such as unleashed, monster, some private packs, and tekkit. What you plan to bring to the community: a friendly, community orientated, and active player Favorite Mod: witchery, and IC2 Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC: building A...
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    Private Pack HexPack Server| HexPack V1.0 (MC 1.6.4) |Whitelist | No restrictions

    thank you! could you possibly message me the key to get the mod?
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    Whitelist Server Crimcraft (dw20 1.0.0) small whitelist server Mature (18+)

    In Game Name: tiby1 Age:18 Location (including timezone):EST Youtube channel (if you have one):none Twitch channel (or other streaming site):none Experience with modded minecraft:Played it for awhile sense tekkit Why do you wish to join?:want to find a small good community
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    Whitelist Server Skyward Gaming | 1.7.10 Direwolf20 | Dedicated 24/7 Uptime | 18+ No Drama

    IGN:tiby1 Age:188 Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've played unleashed, monster, tekkit, and vanilla Playstyle: causal, pvp, pve, basically anything. What is your favorite mod?: blood magic, tinkers construct, and all things tech too What is the main rule?: COMMON SENSE!
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    Whitelist Server Veckscraft|DW20 1.7.10 (recommended)|white list|Casual|Active Admin|Mature

    Your in game name:tiby1 Your Age:18 ~ How active will you be? [How often do you play? as active as i can be such as 5-7 days a week ~ What is your preferred method of minecrafting? i have no preference. ~ How much do you know about DW20 and the mods inside it. i played minecraft on and off sense...
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    Private Pack HexPack Server| HexPack V1.0 (MC 1.6.4) |Whitelist | No restrictions

    quick fix ingame name is tiby1 lol:p
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    Private Pack Kingdoms .. [1.7.10 ]survival whitelisted [mature ] teamspeak

    1.In-Game Name:tiby1 2.Age:18 3.Country:United States 4.How often you play? 5-7 days a week 5.Reason for wanting to join private pack? I want to try something new, want to join a small close community 6.I have read theme and guideline rules of pack? Yes I have:)
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    Whitelist Server [RusticCraft] EnderEmpire | Closed

    hi id like to join your server username:tiby1
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    Private Pack HexPack Server| HexPack V1.0 (MC 1.6.4) |Whitelist | No restrictions

    ii'd like to join your server:) Ingame name:Tiby Age:18 Name tree things you like:i like gaming..alot, i like a good community in games and making new friends What are your expectations if you join the hexpack? a nice small community and a relaxed experience Anything else you would like to say...