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  1. K

    FTB Beyond Release

    Is there any plan to add any Open Computers addons like Computronics (which is super useful), Open Glasses, Refined Storage Driver, Actually Computers etc...
  2. K

    FTB Beyond Release

    The only addition this pack need in my eyes is Computronics.
  3. K

    What's Your Favorite Mod?

    Gregtech, AE or MFR (For RedNet) Forestry, Extra Bees, Railcraft and Tinker's Construct are good alternatives to.
  4. K

    Favorite Biome?

    In vanilla; Plains, in EBXL; Meadows, in BoP; I did't use it yet...
  5. K

    Best alternative to XYcraft fabricators

    GregTech Electric Crafting Table is a good alternative, you sould try it.
  6. K

    Confessions: I never ... even though I'm told I should.

    I have never beaten the Wither. I have never craft an Advanced Diamond Drill. I have never use Nether Lava pumping for energy (Real men makes his own lava) I have never use any Modular Power Suit item. I have never craft a Mining Drill. I have never build a Breeder Reactor.
  7. K

    Best MJ generation method?

    It's expensive, but when you finish it, totally worth it. 1:1 ratio for fuel and 2:1 ratio for biofuel... And seems slow but it's processing 16 bucket at same time.
  8. K

    Windows 8 - Problems

    I think it's about switchable graphics. Because I have same GPU on my laptop and using Windows 8. Right click to your desktop and select something says Swithcable Graphics, than change java to High Performance. if you can't see Java, start and close MC, you must see it now.
  9. K

    Best MJ generation method?

    I'm using 3 full size HP steam boilers + distilled bees with alveary + GregTech Distillation Tower, and its perfect for me.
  10. K

    If YOU had only one mod to take out of Ultimate, forever, what would it be?

    I want to take out Power Converters or Secret Rooms (and I alredy take them out). Power Converters is killing fun :D I love making interesting things for power. For Secret Rooms, meh, it's not a good mod for a SSP game, also for SMP, you can use your creative brain for hiding (and it's more fun)
  11. K

    New Mixed Metal Ingot Recipes

    It's simple: GregTech.
  12. K

    What block, tool, or feature converted you to modded Minecraft?

    Hmmm, I coudn't remember the first mod i used, but RedPower was the first mod made me can't go back vanilla. Because it adds amazing redstone things i'll mever play without them.
  13. K

    industrial grinders, worth it or not?

    Totally worth it. My setup is 8 grinder (6 water, 2 mercury) with 2 casing, 4 blast furnace and 4 induction furnace and i'm happy with them. Crafting and build part is little bit annoying and energy setup, but when you finish, totally wort your all work.
  14. K

    How many Portal Guns / Spawner have you found in chests?

    11 portal gun (3 of them was found by quarry) and 5 spawner in my Ultimate Pack world.
  15. K

    World leaking?

    I'm a Lets Player and i have an issue with FTB Ultimate pack. When i'm playing sometimes an error in console appears. In 10-20 minutes, my game start to lagging soo hard (not FPS lag, game freezes). And Ram and CPU usage of java is become too high. The console log is here...
  16. K

    Good storage system setup?

    Before AE, my favorite sorting way was chests with managers and some barrels for wood, rubber, string etc. I still using managers in my LP. But realy want to start AE.