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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. C

    Extra Bees - List of possible serums?

    How did you figure that out? Just by trial and error? I'd hate to have to come back here whenever I need a question answered about it. Shouldn't there be a master list?
  2. C

    Extra Bees - List of possible serums?

    Yea, this needs to be bumped. I'm getting rainfall serum, and default territory serum and I have no idea what they do. I mean I could test them out and I'll do it if I need to but I feel like there should be a master list somewhere
  3. C

    Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

    Age: 23 In-game Name: ChadBroChill2 Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Oh yes Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm very knowledgeable about the game and have been promoted to moderator ranks on nearly every server I've played on because of my play style Why do you want to...
  4. C

    Mcraftworlds FTB / 20+ Mature / Beta Server - Whitelist

    Uh.... my favorite color is red, but I have no idea where it says for me to include it haha
  5. C

    Is FTB appropriate for MineCraft newbs?

    ^^ You should play on a small scale multiplayer server with some people who know whats going on. It will make the transition very easy. Contact me via pm if you are looking for a super small server like that
  6. C

    Mcraftworlds FTB / 20+ Mature / Beta Server - Whitelist

    In Game Name: ChadBroChill2 AGE: (Important): 23 Why you are applying: I want a mature server surrounded by smart people as opposed to the munchin ravaged ones we are all so used to What you expect: Meet some people, take part in fun projects and a very close knit community
  7. C

    Server Play on FTB

    I don't like advertisers as much as the next guy, but I would like to see a thread or something on the forums for white-list servers available when the pack gets released. I (and I'm sure a lot of other players too) am hoping I can get involved in a good server basically as soon as the download...