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  1. S

    [1.7.10] Marooned

    Is an old world ( from ver. 1.4.3 ) compatible with version 1.5 ?
  2. S

    [1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

    0.2.1 should be fine. Matter Overdrive "MAY" be removed in version 0.2.2+
  3. S

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    That doesn't help, when it is "Detection task" not "Consume task"
  4. S

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    nether portals are disabled in mystcraft ages It's probably you, mine muttons drop, but I think, You need to kill sheeps manualy. @OlexaKid64 Quest "Redstone mechanics" in "Back to Basics" isn't doable, there is no way to get 10 000 levers into my inventory.
  5. S

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    Key for arcane doors in quest "Pyramid puzzles" doesn't work. ( Probably not linked with doors )
  6. S

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    My game crashes, when i try to open quest "All Part of the Experience" is section "Let it Flow". It's bug on my side or it's global ? I've added some mods if it matters. ( WailaHarvestability and AromaBackup ) BTW: @OlexaKid64 Can U add these mods to the pack please ?
  7. S

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    I have a complete stack of cobble in that shelf.
  8. S

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    You can find cobble and some other matrials in basement.