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  1. S

    Launcher not starting Unstable 1.9

    It was just standard startup logs before that, no issues there. The mod pack updated and it is working fine now. And 1.4.12 Build 10412 is the latest launcher (minus the curse launcher)
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    Launcher not starting Unstable 1.9

    Title: Launcher not starting Unstable 1.9 Launcher Version: 1.4.12 Modpack: FTB Unstable 1.9 Modpack Version: Any Log Link: Details of the issue: Launcher will download files though it won't launch. Clean installs of FTB launcher and mod pack result in the same error. Checking local assets...
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    AE: Spare solar panel after crafting LV solars

    Hmm, weird. There isn't a bug like that as far as I know with that version. Is it not doing it with any other recipes you've taught the system?
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    AE: Spare solar panel after crafting LV solars

    Need a bit more information then that, helps to know what version of AE you are using(or what mod pack) and what not so people can compare or confirm it is a known bug.
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    Private Pack closing down HamCraft - 1.5.1 [Whitelisted] | BC/ArsM/Tinkers/BetterDungeons/Etc Steampunk

    Name: Everyone just calls me "Silva" Minecraft Name: XForceRec0nX Age: 30 Have you been banned before?: No, I have always tried to be a model player or administration. If you found a bug would you help us make the server better and tell us?: Most certainly, that is how I have ended up being...
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    [1.5.2] [Public Mod Pack] ShneekeyCraft: Less Is More!

    Well looks like the file server finally got things sorted out over night because after another redownload it is working properly... Thought it seems the black screen part may also be part of Optifine bug.. I notice when I turn the Default settings from Fancy it goes black screen. So if you use...
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    [1.5.2] [Public Mod Pack] ShneekeyCraft: Less Is More!

    I have deleted the folder 6 times or so now, it just keeps doing it so it could be the for mentioned bug.... But oddly enough it keeps making a resource file in my main FTB folder with just something from Railcraft in it
  8. S

    [1.5.2] [Public Mod Pack] ShneekeyCraft: Less Is More!

    You likely tried updating your existing files.. which would do almost nothing since it would still be 1.5.1. Just tried a clean download and folder.. And yup it is downloading none of the resource files. I checked the forgeloader files and it was a spamfest of "xxxxxxxxx.png not found ignoring"...
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    [1.5.2] [Public Mod Pack] ShneekeyCraft: Less Is More!

    Could be because of the system being slow but it updated to 1.5.2 and all the mods but whenever I start up a new world it is... Well black... I can see my character's arm, the Tinker's construct book in my first slot but no turf or mobs.
  10. S

    Open Server InventionCraft [Ultimate 1.0.1! | mcMMO | GriefPrevention | TeamSpeak | Over 1,000 unique hit!]

    Ah, buggers. Seems Mods never survive the sillyness of people.. They find bugs and crash enducing instances no mod maker could have ever seen coming.
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    Open Server InventionCraft [Ultimate 1.0.1! | mcMMO | GriefPrevention | TeamSpeak | Over 1,000 unique hit!]

    Looks like the server has stopped responding for some reason, it says it is up on the site but it can't be logged into.
  12. S

    Open Server Evolvecraft Ultimate Server - 200 slots, pvp, Towny, essentials, worldguard, economy!

    The shards don't cause any more lag then a normal spawner, you get outside of 16 block radius and they stop spawning mobs all together. Disabling Twilight Forest you might as well disable going to the Nether as well since that is another dimension by that thought process. Some of the biggest...
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    Open Server InventionCraft [Ultimate 1.0.1! | mcMMO | GriefPrevention | TeamSpeak | Over 1,000 unique hit!]

    IGN: xf0rcerec0nx I like the server so far, it's nice and stable so far not lag (block or otherwise) though there are a few minor annoying things 1) The inability to place water outside of your claim (or at least having to place it "underground" which is very vague) 2) Possible sustainability...
  14. S

    Whitelist Server [1.4.6]|{InfinityMC}|Mindcrack|Whitelist|100 Slots 8gb Ram|New Server!

    In-game Name: XF0rceRec0nX Age: 29 (till Monday) Mod Experience: Been playing most since they were just starting. About Yourself: I'm a generally friendly person, well versed in most of the mods or as much as one can with them constantly changing recently. I'll try to help anyone willing to...
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    [UgLounge] 1.4.6 | No Whitelist | Professional Hosting | 24/7 | Beta

    I personally like Gregtech on servers because it makes it harder and it encourages people to worth together plus it's not like there isn't Twilight forest for gathering more supplies.
  16. S

    Think I shift-clicked so it is in my inventory... Thought that is goingto hurt to have to...

    Think I shift-clicked so it is in my inventory... Thought that is goingto hurt to have to inventory deleted since I had a number of things on me I think
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    FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED

    Oh hey Brandon I haven't been able to log on since I tried making a computer and I've been stuck in crash limbo since.. Thought I had sent you a message before but apparently I miss clicked and sent it to someone else.
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    Seems like 3 of the servers got shutdown, or are under attack since since it is only individual servers that are down (Only 2 servers share and IP and just different ports). But a lot of servers seem to be under attack lately. (My guess some irate Tekkit lover)
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    FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED

    I'm guessing the server is in the middle of being set back up again since it is still set to only one person???
  20. S

    FEAR THE BEAST FTB SURVIVAL / Whitelist / No stealing or Griefing - ENFORCED

    In-Game Name: XF0rceRec0nX Age: 29 Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?: Quite a bit, still have RP2 withdrawals What do you look for in a server?: An active community, friendly players and a lack of greifers (of all types). Do you understand that there is no griefing or...