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  1. C

    [1.7.10] Material Energy^4

    I have around 0... maybe 1 TPS with the fluxed crystals farm. Well, new map time.
  2. C

    [1.7.10][Public] MechanicalTitan Pack

    Hello Brizzle, I was wondering if I could make quests for this pack. I'm also wondering what tier of a pickaxe I have to get after iron, it says it's mining level is "iron" but I haven't tested to see if it can mine redstone. I've looked through most of the Tinkers' Construct pickaxes and I...
  3. C

    [1.6.4] Crafting Paradise [JamPacked] [HQM]

    It's not memory anymore, it seems that Tinkers' Construct is crashing... EDIT: Alright, you know the phrase "Back up frequently"... I'm going to follow that every day I sign off... my world is corrupt. Oh well, bites in the butt sometimes. Life's life.
  4. C

    [1.6.4] Crafting Paradise [JamPacked] [HQM]

    I've recently had a problem, no idea if it is with my launcher or if I messed the pack up, but I lowered my memory from 6.5GB in the launcher to 5GB, it launched but closed out half way through, so I brought it back up to 6.5GB, it still closed out, after that I went to 10.25GB, still did the...