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  1. C

    [1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

    Not sure if this is bug or feature, but in 0.0.7 when I try to make a TE pulverizer, but using forestry copper gears (to save on resources) the pulverizer cannot be crafted...only TE gears work. I can use a tin forestry gear for the machine frame, but cannot use forestry copper gears for the...
  2. C

    Where to post FTB pack bugs from new curse client (mage quest)?

    I am using the new cures beta client, downloaded mage quest and soartex resource pack, clicked play and was taken to the launcher (looked alot like the minecraft launcher, which is new to me because my only minecraft experience so far has been from the FTB launcher). I clicked play and the...
  3. C

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    That was exactly it...cheaters never win. Thanks for your help
  4. C

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    Playing 1.2.7 on a local server (run the server and client on same machine, wife joins me on her laptop), everything working fine, but now I cannot left-click to use the blacksmith's anvil or remove items from storage drawers. I can right-click to store items, but cannot left click to remove...
  5. C

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    lijfa and Barditron, very helpful, thanks! Solved my problem By the way, this is one of the most positive/helpful threads I've interacted with (don't say it to loud, the trolls hate the word positive)
  6. C

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    I've looked through this thread and the mariculture wiki, but cannot find out how to fill a vat with fluid metal (for the gears quest). I can imagine getting a bucket of fluid iron out of a TC crucible though I don't know how to waterproof pipes, and TBH haven't tried)--what is the best way to...
  7. C

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    How do you "delete chunks?" Is it mcedit?
  8. C

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    Cant climb anything using smart moving. I'm holding the grab button and 'w' as I get close to a vertical surface, but nothing happens. i can sprint and power jump, but no climbing (1.2.4). Any tips?
  9. C

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    Sorry if this is a noob to I enable easycore on a server. I see the easycore folder in the server files, but I've started a server twice and have died quickly and I'm locked out of the server. Don't see a config in the What am I missing? Edit: do i just rename...
  10. C

    [1.7.10] DW20 Series 7 Let's Play HQM

    Not 100%, but when the direwolf20 pack was updated to 1.0.3, the ability to use survivalist engines without conduits was removed (on purpose). Think this is a feature not a bug
  11. C

    [1.7.10] DW20 Series 7 Let's Play HQM

    I run the client and a server of the same machine, and my wife, two older sons and I play together. It runs perfectly on the server, but is a very minor annoyance to update 4 clients and the server every time there is an update. I thought someone may have a quick answer, but I will just test it...
  12. C

    [1.7.10] DW20 Series 7 Let's Play HQM

    Do you have to put the hqm config folder into a server's config folder, or is it just client side?
  13. C

    Direwolf20 1.7.10 released

    I think you need to go into the eula.txt file and change false to true.
  14. C

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    I've been playing a LAN world with my wife, but with the ability to run a server now, we'd like to migrate our world. In Agrarian skies, all we had to do was copy the save folder into the main server folder and rename the folder "world". That doesn't work. Can anyone tell me how to migrate my...
  15. C

    [NOW PLAYABLE] The Abandoned House 2 [Jam-Packed] [145+ Quests] [Dungeons, Tech, Bees, Magic]

    I've played Agrarian Skies, Crash Landing and ME3...this is my favorite of the HQM modpacks! I play as a duo with my wife on LAN, we are having great fun. Thank you for your hard work. Little bug: I use my smeltery for early game ore doubling, and blocks of aluminum give you "raw aluminum"...
  16. C

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Another option is to put a cyclic assembler directly adjacent to your fluid transposer. Give the assembler the recipe and you don't need bottles (just pump in the water). Drop your empty camel pack (assembler recipes depend on damage values so be sure to use a completely empty pack) into the...
  17. C

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    or strongboxes filled with strongboxes filled with water. Inception!
  18. C

    Version 1.4.5 FINAL - Mysterious Book O'Tech [1.6.4] {Tech/GregTech} {RPG} {HQM/Quest} {Hardcore}

    had the same problem with rubber. Had to cheat it in and submit really fast to get the credit. Great map/pack!
  19. C

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Thanks, It is easier for my wife and I to play small SMP world from a server versus a lan. We've been using a lan world all morning, and it's working very well. Thanks again, fun map!