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  1. W

    Star Citizen

    Looks like a game that could unseat EVE Online. VERY interesting imho.
  2. W

    Cubic Chunks! Cubic Chunks!

    There is current a campaign of players seeking to get Mojang to change the chunk format that allows for some VERY interesting possibilities. I encourage everyone to join in...
  3. W

    Found a strange Mystcraft bug I think.

    My Mystcraft ages keep having Nether Portals popping up in them. I dismissed it at first as a pranking admin. But when I found 2, 3, and 4 Nether portals popped up. It got me to wondering. Has anyone seen this before?
  4. W

    Think the idea of VR Minecraft would be awesome?

    Coming soon! Oculus Rift!
  5. W

    Turtles to Stripmine a Chunk Wide Strip: Feasible?

    I was thinking of setting up a walking wall of turtles to strip mine everything in a chunk wide swath of a mystcraft age. And deposit all of it in a enderchest. Think this is feasible? Or is it a lagfest in waiting?