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  1. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    I'm not exactly an expert, but it seems that the last two were caused by some sort of container, possibly in you inventory. I think the most likely candidates are a warp book, any backpack type item, or a strongbox. Again i'm not sure, but storing or trashing those types of items may help.
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Well, you can always make some regular seared bricks, then use the quest book editor, (/hqm if I remember correctly) and complete the quest.
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    But why use shards? The candles work just fine and are easier to get.
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Just a question, but is there a need for this many shards? They don't actually seem to have many uses.
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Wait, don't MAC's have to be in a perfect cube?
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    One of the quest rewards is a cake named lie.
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Questions: What is a Meteor and how do I get/find them. My oven will now not smelt any of the ores other than dust ore, and my max temp (8-high furnace) is 6k. Is there a way to automate the hammering of ore gravel into ore sand, and ore sand into ore dust?
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Make sure the itemducts/fluiducts coming out of the tesseract are NOT set to output mode. Leave them in "neutral" mode.
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Go to The FTB launcher, and then chose the maps tab at the top. Find the AG map you want, then download.
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    For someone who is just starting with AE, do you recommend a Storage Bus + chest room set-up, or a storage drive based set-up?
  11. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Wait, so how the well of suffering works is that is does damage to mobs and converts it into blood right? So wouldn't be easiest to just put a bunch of zombies above the ritual on graveyard soil (regens undead mobs) or in a liquid that deals damage, and just name them so they don't despawn?
  12. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    He probably meant the mod "Equivalent Exchange" (witch had a main currency of EMC). EE focused on turning one thing into another thing of equal value. For instance 64 coal = a diamond. How this was accomplished was items were given a EMC value, and you could convert items into EMC and then into...
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    How do I get the unifier to work? I'm putting in Black honey drops (witch ore registry to dyeBlack) and set the preference to ink sacs, but Im getting the honey back. Also is there a way to modify my mob farm so that enchanted bows are saved, but regular bows are trashed?
  14. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    How am I supposed to make a pentagon with radial symmetry in a block game?
  15. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Can someone please help me with this. Not having lava is crippling my entire system.
  16. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    so, my most recent cash report is showing this: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Who set us up the TNT? Time: 6/9/14 2:33 PM Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry.getFluidID( at...
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    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Is there any advantage of switching from a mob grinder to invar spikes?
  18. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    Is this enough stability to combat a moderate instability infusion?
  19. B

    Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

    What am I doing wrong with my infusion alter?