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  1. Z

    [1.7.10]FTB Insanity Redone[Tech][The Pyramid][Retro Redone]

    Unfortunately there are 2 drones there which is not really going to work all the time (should be a princess and a bee i guess?)
  2. Z

    [1.7.10]FTB Insanity Redone[Tech][The Pyramid][Retro Redone]

    You can get Blaze Powder by putting coal in a ProjectE Collector to let it go throught the upgrade process (1 item during the process is blaze powder). Also, there seems to be a weird recipe for Nether Quartz, it wants you to macerate Stone Stairs of Damage Value 7 (which i got no idea of how to...
  3. Z

    [1.7.10]FTB Insanity Redone[Tech][The Pyramid][Retro Redone]

    Sad to hear, i hope you're all well.
  4. Z

    1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

    Thank you for keeping the Mod updated for nearly a Year now! Loving it!
  5. Z

    [1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

    I want to start playing this pack, should i use the Version from the FTB Launcher or from the GitHub? Are they even different? And why is there a mention that the user can activate default biome generation, what are the differences between having and not having them?
  6. Z

    [LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

    would the 1.1.18 update require a map reset? cause i really would like to get started soon ;)
  7. Z

    mod list for direwolf20 1.6 pack?

    A map can be made in a month by 1 or 2 people. The Solitary Asylum took that long (its basically a FTB Style map). But seeing em Starting over and over and most news are about merchandising, sponsorships and getting money in general are making me think that they aren't really interested in it...
  8. Z

    mod list for direwolf20 1.6 pack?

    there has not been a map for over 1 year now. i discount that eSports map that only took 30 minutes to complete. And i've seen atleast 2 different starts of the map, both never continued (Warehouse and Vesuvius) AND there were even competitions for BUILDING that map on DW20s channel.
  9. Z

    mod list for direwolf20 1.6 pack?

    Honestly, if FTB is still run by volunteers, then there is way too much merchandising talk and making money involved. That also means sponsorships they take. Last FTB map? I dont think we will see a FTB map anymore.
  10. Z

    Windows .exe FTB Crashes when loading new chunks.

    I fixed it by removing Optifine.
  11. Z

    Windows .exe Changing Memory Allocation

    The funny part is, I had x64 Java already installed, only reinstalling did the job (maybe some Java Update got installed for 32Bit which then overruled the 64Bit one as it was newer)
  12. Z

    Windows .exe Changing Memory Allocation

    I had the exact same problem. Reinstalling Java solved it (installed the x64 Bit Version of Java 1.7 update 9)
  13. Z

    RedPower2 request

    This actually makes sense in the fact that you have to put your items into the boxes too. (as you "waste" a bit of paint for setting it, same goes with the material, you "waste" it for setting it). Also, still add the Color Tooltips ;-)