Search results

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. F

    Whitelist Server HazardMC | Direwolf20 1.6.4/1.0.12 | White-List | No Lag | 24/7 | Survival | Vanilla-Ish | MCPC+ |

    In-Game Name: flying_pig1237 Real Age:14 Why Do You Want To Join: I have been looking for an FTB server with a rather friendly community. Just one that I can really enjoy. I have missed servers like that after my old one closed down. What Experience Do You Have With Mods: SI played tekkit for...
  2. F

    Whitelist Server SG FTB Ultimate| Whitelist | 30 Slots, 24/7, Small Community

    IGN: flying_pig1237 Age: 14 Referrals: None. Have you read server rules?: Yes salty Have you ever been banned, if yes why?: No I have never been banned Why would you like to join?:I have been searching for another good ftb server since my old one went down a year ago :(. Additional info: I hope...
  3. F

    [Blue-Tech] 1.4.6 FTB MIndcrack Pack v6, Whitelist, 24/7, [20 slots.] [Normal]

    I.G.N : flying_pig1237 Age:15 Reason you want to join:I have been looking for a good ftb server Have you ever been banned on any other server: no
  4. F

    [Whitelist] CES - Mindcrack FTB [1.4.6]

    Age:14 Don't judge me because of my age In-game Name: flying_pig1237 Why Would you like to join the server?:I have been looking for a good server to play on forever and I hope I find it here do you have experience with the mods?: I have used these mods for about 6 months now do you have any...
  5. F

    The.Factory |FTB Beta Pack A|Whitelist| PvE, Small, No Grief, Friendly,

    IGN:flying_pig1237 Have you read and accept to obey the rules?:yes reglas rules Have you been banned before?:nope IF so, why and how many times?:nope Why should you be whitelisted?:because i am looking for a friendly community to play in and have not found one yet I hope to find a home here
  6. F | Premium FTB Server

    IGN: flying_pig1237 Where I heard about this server: I heard about the server on the FTB forum Why I would like to play on the server: I want to play on this server because i want a good server to play on If you have any bans on record: none at all What I can bring to the community: i can bring...
  7. F

    HighCraft|FTB-A-1.4.2|Whitelist|PvE| Casual/Relaxed| (̅_̅_̅(̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅()ڪ

    hi ign flying_pig1237 i am 14 years old and i am looking for a server were i will not constantly be greifed and can play normaly and actually use mystcraft. I hope to see you on your server.